Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sailboat Provision List

September 2, 2009 - Carrozzone Calderone & Day

carrozzone & calderne day

City Council was convened in special session for Wednesday, September 2, 2009, at 19:00, to discuss the following agenda:

1. Along Line Road Pius VI. Motion presented by Councilor, Gianni Percoche
2. Constitution of the Council Chamber Group "People of Freedom." Acknowledgment.
3. Constitution of the Special called "Bishop Adriano Bragazzi. Adoption proceedings.
4. Municipal committee for updating the registers of the final judges. Law 287/51 - Articles. 13 and 21. Subrogation of the component, Amuro Joseph, appointed Deputy Mayor.
5. One Stop Shop for Productive Activities (OSS) Legislative Decree No. 112 of 31.03.1998 - DPR 447 10/20/1998 - 07/12/2000 DPR n.440. Private tourist accommodation - Loc Viale Europa - Business Soc F.lli sas Saviani Sergio and Simona Saviani. Variation of the PPE of the homogeneous zone C - 1 ^ area. Exchange areas.

Apparently the city council on Wednesday are preparing to rise to the bandwagon of the special and the cauldron of the PDL (which should include at Acanfora by Mazzucco), 2 subjects with the strange and convoluted identity ... In

council apparently will miss part of the opposition, PD, Green, Covenant to Terracina, in protest against the "coup" chapter of the majority on a special company, should be present Percoche UDC, in operation of rapprochement and softening toward the majority view of the possible agreement of his party for the regional with the PDL, peaches just that until a few weeks ago that reserved words of fire to Nardi and his men! Maybe it turns turns

not return to the fold, but this is politics ...

Fulvio Carocci
Terracina Raised

Friday, August 21, 2009

Diagram Of Film Camera

Commission on 'special company "- .. all on tiptoe waiting for ... Company


On 20 August 2009, at 11:00 am was called the joint committee of the commission I (General Affairs) and VI ( Social Services) to express an opinion on the will of the junta di istituire un’azienda speciale a Terracina per la gestione dei servizi sociali e non solo...

Come annunciato sulla stampa, l'opposizione diserta la seduta, denunciando "il colpo di mano" e la fretta con cui si sta istituendo questo "carrozzone che distribuisce posti e incarichi"; inevitabile la condanna dei presenti per l'atteggiamento della minoranza che antepone le proprie ferie ai problemi della città. Ne viene fuori un quadretto che si potrebbe intitolare "gli stakanovisti della politica", una novità, perché è ben noto a tutti, quanto questa maggioranza sia sempre in ritardo, distratta, e come spesso diserti le sedute in cui il numero legale è garantito dai consiglieri d'opposizione.

But not today, they are all willing and punctual. It is rumored that someone has already secured a special interest''wife''to the post of coordinator of kindergartens and other various positions have been promised, but we do not want to believe these "rumors" but we will be careful that this does not happen .. . We hope and we believe that the attention is due to the seriousness and responsibility for the management of the services enjoyed by the weakest part of citizenship.

it starts at 11.35, 8 Commissioners present:

Masullo, Masella, Golfieri, Villani, Caiazzo, Cicero (presiding), Palmacci, Monti, among the spectators Ferrari, Domenico Pietricola and Roberto States "technical" the Friends and Marzullo, to administer the Mayor himself and the commissioner Zicchieri.

Also present was the Deputy Secretary for the occasion, The Aurora, with the powerful means of audio recording of the town of Terracina: portable cassette player classic beach with two mouths, and with cases from arrest, but this is a ' other story that deserves an encyclopedia.

Journalists are all at sea, with fax and laptop in tow, to receive and publish the press notes for some advice or some political fantasy that hovers like a hologram on the city, speaks without ever having followed the''facts' ', the heart of the news, and it materializes, finally, to all the elections, again with a different coat, the only thing that we never find in the newspapers so they are the "facts", he read a lot of opinions and there is also Our ...

The first talk is turning to the commissioners that the Mayor, not to give easy explanations likely opposition to a filibuster, the minority opens unexpectedly, given the importance of the topic, making himself available to a further passage in committee, the first September.

First argument milestone reached is the "wear-rates of interest" (13%) that the City pays the debts of the coop. social virtues privileges enjoyed by law. The mayor brings up the international economy, indispensable cliche to justify the failures of the administration and the sorry state of municipal funds, to bring it to the will of a banking foundation headed by his economic advisor, Dr. Nucci, and will ensure that not only cover all the debts, but also finance, providing liquidity to strict rules (no longer has a sense of proportion when the big gun!) Presents the company as special as the panacea for all evils that will heal the weaknesses of the institution of social services and it will be the''natural evolution''. Shortly before finishing
his speech and resumed a member of the audience:''... I agree ... if you do not have to talk, go outside ....'' Legitimate action, for heaven's sake, are the rules, but if enacted by the mayor and cigarette smoking in the classroom right under the sign that prohibits it, it sounds paradoxical! After delighting the public with disabilities "nasal cleaning" done so with the little finger''chic''(to vomit), early intervention Zicchieri councilor, has announced an urgent appointment at all and leaves. Other stories

save you the type that the appointment of board members capable and independent of any policy (readily contradicted by some councilors after the session with phrases such as:''but you know they are political choices, someone must take responsibility, the contests do not give guarantees! etc.. etc.'') because you would not want to sleep, but we want to make a note: every time an appointment in the institution is mayor, he materializes like a protective aura that turns him into a being above the law, which prevents any person responsible for the enforcement of the rules: the next time that his "little pages" will refrain from a severe reprimand, we will be happy to take on the responsibility of being the only law enforcement ... but be satisfied, at least not this time that the psychopath ...

took the floor and a highly acclaimed Carla Amici, who repeats the words about the mayor, denied that the company will become a body for recruitment easier, because you must submit a detailed plan and three years, states that if the Board shall, you have everything ready (assuming its future in the company, who also try to deny Zicchieri Golfieri and fatigue) anticipates that the company will have a transfer of property by the municipality with which it can use the cash deposits and loans for 'anticipation of the service agreement says that the company will credit in the region to try to offer services to surrounding towns and even that may be carry out other activities such as training courses for carers and other activities (green cleaning, security guard municipal buildings, roadside assistance ???)...

Zicchieri is associated with technical and political analysis made so far and crush his hand on the statements of the opposition, denouncing them as people not very sensitive to these problems, which in the absence of arguments put it on the staff (explicit reference to the words of Councillor Di Mauro on Article. 23 of the Statute and which calls for a comparison on a table and not on the institutional press) and clarifies that the company does not need to riappiccicare majority of the pieces in the frenzied attempt to fix this or that.

They follow the words of a deeply interested Golfieri hopes that the Council be convened no later than August 31 because "the agenda should dictate the majority" as soon as possible; condemns the ways of the opposition, accusing them of leaking between lines assume that you can retrace the path of multi-Aprilia, without even the courage to admit it directly (when they take the word''cowardly''legitimized an honest and questioned by a citizen of Terracina emerges accustomed to certain situations), not rejects the establishment, even addressed a praise to those who until now has continued and said that the full-nomination sparked opposition is all in their heads.

This was followed so
interventions Masella and Palmacci with the latter part of the discourse recommendations to Friends for the control (that you be funny?) And an unidentified "political setback" to the problem (we are hoping for a step forward, but from the summit of Mount Jupiter).

The only action that are to enter the live Masullo and Cicero (who hopes they will be resumed as soon as possible services to those most in need), which announced plans to amend the statute in the board (maybe the weird art. 23?) and I inquire about planning services, the time frame that they consider their longer (for example, it takes at least 90 days before any banking institution in the country can issue any credit to ...) and say they do not pretend not to know what happened to Aprilia (indeed to investigate this case in order not to repeat the same mistakes) with the scandal in the multi- the Friends was the manager and later joined by notice of. At this point Golfieri bleaching and anticipates the response of friends, trying to soften the demands.

The Friends stated that what happened in Aprilia has already been reported to the Mayor: waiting for justice take its course, has secured and maintained the trust (anthology by overriding the nervous gaze of the legs of his friend and triple cross Zicchieri-Golfieri-Friends, during the intervention Masullo, further evidence that makes one suspect who is next leader!) Then spoke
Zicchieri that the commissioner is keen to declare "that as long as it is his delegation will not want to have sex Parsifal with the consortium and the coop. Together "and instead thanked the employees of the coop. for his service so far even though difficult economic conditions, this is the best applause of a dozen girls apparently former employees of the coop. concerned ...

On the more technical questions suggests that still do not know what services will be managed and what contracted, because of the technical times we can not guarantee the departure of nursery in time for the start of the school, in practice it appears that total disorganization, but the desire to establish a strong body behind without a feasibility study ... why?

We expect to open a debate on the merits, stain ... you vote, unanimously all in favor and there also comes the time for statements of gratitude to the institution of the President and Commissioner Marzullo Villani chairman of the committee and social services.

As always, except the example above, preparation of Commissioners approximately close to zero, no one who has brought food for other virtuous reality to enrich the content of the speech or improve the proposal, all very complimentary about what has been done so far and to emphasize respect and trust to the old leadership of the institution.

These are our directors, we'll see how it will end! Definitely will go forward like a train without opposition and this was predictable, maybe it would have been better than had been present at the debate ...

Terracina Raised

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How Long Is The Flight From Stansted To Tallin

special Terracina Terracina

After reviewing the interview alderman to''hot spots''Social Services, Francesco Zicchieri, let's look at the "critical aspects" of this special company that is to be born and will soon be a dedicated sat in advice.

Let's start with some inconsistencies emerged from information contained in the press lately . The commissioner stated that the management of the special issue would be left to qualified personnel capable of administering the funds more judiciously than it did from the previous institution of social services. Questioned on this point, we took a step back and we went to see who administered first.

Leading institution we have so far been the President and the executive Carlos Roberto Marzullo Friends: Who are these characters?

Did you know that Dr Friends, Mayor of Roccagorga, former adviser to the mountain community to share in common Roccagorga, sister of the most famous Senator PD, Sesa, is a recipient of a notice of for the investigation of the scandal-company special multi Aprilia (of which he was manager) and is on the register of suspects with 21 other people for offenses ranging omission of the contributions of workers INPDAP, communication and the false certification of financial statements in damage to creditors, tax evasion Vat and IRAP.

Given the references, our Community has asked the Friends of the draft statute of the new company special art. 23, reads that the candidate must have the requirements to be tasked with direct dialing to direct the special undertaking a degree in economics or equivalent and having special professional qualification and three years' experience in the field of social services ...

many economics graduates have three years' experience in the field of social services?

The Friends,

sure ... It's not that we want to preserve their jobs? A first question, more than legitimate.

The highest levels''''could then take advantage of exemptions "ad personam" to keep the place, and, being always the words of the young consultant, such treatment can not be guaranteed to the individual operators of the former institution, the''base''that despite the delayed payment of salaries by the city has continued, in a professional manner to ensure service to patients. All those workers will try to keep their jobs by participating in a tender notice, the executives probably not. Other

passage "obscure", which was observed in the interview video, is where the commissioner Zicchieri assures us that the company will only services related to the social sphere. In contrast, in the addresses submitted to the Committee and the Board, we find the following additional tasks:

- manutenzione del verde
- custodia e guardiania degli immobili comunali
- assistenza e sicurezza della viabilità stradale

Visti i precedenti ci auguriamo che queste "strane mansioni", appioppate all'azienda speciale, non siano terreno su cui esercitare ancora una volta, la deprecabile pratica del ‘’voto di scambio’’, con la cura delle "clientele"...

Altro passaggio da tenere sotto controllo è quello in cui si dichiara l’accessibilità al credito della nuova azienda , garantito dal patrimonio immobiliare che il comune le trasferirà. Il comune però non può trasferire beni all'azienda speciale previa consultazione del consiglio comunale when approving the budget in 2010, then until May 2010 (being optimistic), the special agency can not take anything as collateral for credit. But it seems that this administration wants to skip this step and immediately capitalized with a real estate company. This would involve the 'sale of municipal property, a very serious matter, in our opinion.

also interesting specifications of the organizational business moving from''the chairman and two members of board of directors''of the declarations of the beginning of August,''a chairman, director and three members of the board of directors''of our interview.

The appointments would be proposed by at least Zicchieri desirable:
no politician, a person of the third sector, a disabled person and a representative of civil society, but the commissioner also stated that these appointments are up by the Mayor! Another passage doubt we'll see what happens!

Summing up, we have a major issue that just will not melt: Will the City, not this special company to meet financial commitment made in the budget? Although the commissioner assures us "that the funds are for the 2009 budget was prepared in a serious way than in other years.", We should remember that the forecast does not take account of the debts accumulated by the institution of social services and now, in one way another, will weigh on the municipal budget shattered all the calculations made earlier.

We would have preferred the establishment of a special planned better, with a feasibility study using a district as other laudable examples like that of the 'island of Bergamo ", better integration of services, and optimized true costs, not just announced.

Instead we see a lot of approximation, changes and adjustments in the race that seem dictated by specific political authorities, in defiance of any desirable principle of transparency.

Councillor, we recognize its good faith and thank you for availability, but not faccia lo sbaglio di coprire con la sua faccia le scelte e le decisioni, a quanto pare, già prese da altri.

Terracina Rialzati

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bloons On The Iphone Pack 3 Level 47

doubts and considerations. Councillor Zicchieri statements conflict with those of previous Mayor Nardi. Zicchieri speaks in a personal capacity, and why?

A distanza di un anno sembra evidente avesse ragione il dirigente della Polizia di Stato Rita Cascella...

zicchieri cascella

“Le migliori felicitazioni da parte mia e dell’intera amministrazione comunale per la brillante operazione svolta dalla Polizia di Stato della città diretta dalla dirigente Rita Cascella”.

Inizia così un comunicato dell’assessore ai servizi sociali Zicchieri che si riferisce agli ultimi accadimenti a Terracina e più in particular to some arrests and suspension of trade licenses to load the affected area bell.

"as now we are available to full cooperation and we would also be more involved at the administrative level," continues Zicchieri.

The commissioner, though in good faith, unfortunately, provide a statement that sounds more like a personal statement and easy to label as propaganda, this should be the mayor himself who communicate on behalf of all the intentions of the administration.

For those who have a short memory (strange in a city full of excellent fish, and then phosphorus course to take) I remember the speech the greatest exponent of this administration, that the mayor, who only a year ago he wrote to his attorney accused the leader of Latin Cascella had issued "a damaging interview for the devastating social tranquility of citizens and thousands of guests, as well as to be detrimental to the fortunes of the tourist production activities throughout the municipality insisted. "

nardi vs cascella

reason for this attack? After several arrests as a result of long and detailed investigation "had painted the city as a place of Terracina easy rooting for Camorra clan" After one year, and following the current developments, Who was right? Now all pay tribute to the work of the young officer, forgetting that other institutions had leveled against the hypothesis of a city that was ending in the hands of those who saw Terracina like a giant washing machine for dirty money.

resort, place of work, meeting with other leaders of organized crime, this seemed like the design of the Camorra clan. Residences easy, and exchange rate contracts to companies with small towns of Caserta are just plucked out of thin air assumptions of associations dedicated to gossip and dangers of strong destructive interference in the development and politics of a city like Terracina? We take advantage of the strong signal given by the police di stato, ma anche da tutte le altre forze dedite alla lotta alla malavita, per fare fronte compatto e qualificato e restituire credibilità ad una città che già sta subendo gli effetti della crisi economica, effetti che si fanno sentire maggiormente nel comparto turistico e commerciale.

Non è certo nascondendo la testa sotto la sabbia ( che è pure difficile trovare in mezzo ai sassi regalateci dall’ultimo ripascimento) che si risolvono i problemi e non è la dichiarazione di un assessore che ci garantisce l’orientamento collaborazionistico di un’amministrazione che in molte occasioni non è sembrata pronta e disponibile.

Allora, caro sindaco, non abbia paura, così come ha da poco made before the last city council, to back down in the attacks against those who are guilty of not following his line and represent her in the first place and, in this case, really on behalf of the entire administration, to make themselves available to personally as municipal offices, police forces, perhaps dedicating a kind thought for a manager who is working for the city administered by her ...

Sergio Arienzo
Terracina Raised
Source: New Territory

Friday, August 14, 2009

Olive Oil Metal Container



In a climate of total confusion on what will be and how will the special agency set up to do a little ' of clarity the question we decided to read up on other similar realities in Italy such as Jesi or that of the district of Como Olgiate (unfortunately the examples of our province were not edifying, see if Aprilia) and then we went to seek guidance Social Services directly alderman of the City of Terracina Zicchieri Francis ...

The main difference between the two realities that we have examined and what later proved to be Terracina reality is that while other companies have set up special district by aggregating the most common type of the same health district, and then integrating the services and optimizing costs, this we do not avviene (almeno inizialmente) poichè l'azienda erogherà servizi per il solo comune Terracinese, ma Zicchieri ci ha garantito che il tema della distrettualità è negli indirizzi che si prefigge di raggiungere la "nostra" Azienda Speciale restando sempre e solo nel campo dei servizi sociali senza offrire altri servizi, questo ci ha assicurato l'assessore anche se poi abbiamo trovato tra gli indirizzi dell'azienda anche altri tipi di servizi....

Ma questo e molto altro lo approfondiremo in un'altro post....

Grazie alla disponibilità dell'Assessore abbiamo potuto produrre un documento filmato che vi proponiamo di seguito e siamo riusciti a capire le reali intenzioni dell' assessore e potremo verificare se collimeranno with what will happen ...

In short, the full transcript of the interview and our thoughts ...

Fulvio Carocci
Terracina Raised

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Sale Of Nazi Aircraft



Yesterday I read the interview that Latin America now has dedicated to our "Number One" Nardi.
At first glance left me a bit 'confused space and positivity of the spot electoral left to "Number One" from the newspaper "Ciarra" that the attacks almost daily, but for this Rizzardi matter of the SEP to the yards, the Ciarra is so pleased with the outcome (perhaps in spite Cusani?) that our "Number One" for a day, it seemed smarter, more beautiful and more intelligent.

Turning now to the content of the interview.

In my opinion, it seems a case of delirium. There was a time when "Number One" had spoken in the conditional, nothing. All certainty!

Given the findings that "Number One" took us seven years, should have had the good sense to at least talk with so many maybe if conditional. Instead, an apotheosis of securities. I wonder

if "Number One" did a crash course in optimism or if you are taking me around.

Tell me what I think when the question, "New opportunities for development?" Number One says, "I can say that in Terracina no longer have to go in search of precarious jobs. With the development of marine and shipbuilding industry there will be a significant progress in employment. "

Dear Number One realizes that the phrases "significant" you say? Do not speculate on the unemployed with this situation. Already have teased with election promises, as companies close down, businesses close, the Coop. Social

close ... It means that from now on we'll all go to make the mooring?

me I hope that there are more unemployed. Can only be good for the economy of the town but not deceived. Let us first consider the developments and then, certain facts, you want as well as incense.

the current situation is just that some are having a private concession in a public space, that perhaps the City could manage, then we'll see what the job opportunities and led all of which he speaks.

She talks about that "Terracina can play the role of diamond around the center of Italy." BOOM!

And remember, in case you forget it metto da parte l’articolo, ha promesso che la “spiaggetta” resterà intatta.

Alla fine dell’articolo, il gran finale:”Yacht di 90 piedi, (che poi sono 30 metri, non è poi così tanto) che attraccheranno sotto il Tempio che di notte s’illuminerà con proiezioni ottiche visibili dal mare. ALTRO CHE CAPRI….”.

Speriamo che questo articolo non lo leggano a Capri perché intanto si faranno tante risate.

Io concludo con frase alla Mazzone:”Magara !!”.

Marcello Sanguigni
Terracina Rialzati

Real World Examples Of Supplementary Angles

Friends of the protagonists on the dock shelter


You know those sweet eyes of one who is desperately looking for someone who, in exchange for a great deal of affection, is willing to give a home and a bit to eat at the man's best friend? Tonight you can meet those looks, soften and why not take home who will love you always. The place: The arena pier from 19 to Terracina, title of the evening, "Come on .... Take the facts." The organization

del'evento from a facebook group set up by the name that says it all "Emergency Terracina Doghouse" and that he saw Fabio Garzaro Terracina mobilize citizens (and tourists who had read the appeal) to provide shelter to the food needed to overcome a period of transition between the old and the new management.

After this stalemate that occurred last April on the management of the kennel, Fabio has been active with this event to try to give visibility to the problem of the small number of adoptions from 400 dogs housed in a municipal building in the part of Terracina and in part to charges in the towns of Latin America and funds, but also the not insignificant issue of sterilization and chip marking through the recognition, both free and sponsored by the Lazio Region for dogs patron.

Let the evening's program by Francesco Rasi and will start con un dibattito tenuto dai volontari del canile e la proiezione di un filmato da loro realizzato all’interno del canile stesso, si proseguirà con la presentazione al pubblico di cani grandi e piccoli e di diversa età per poi continuare con una dimostrazione da parte dell’Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri, che si servirà di cani allenati presso le loro strutture nel nostro Comune. A seguire una sfilata di moda organizzata dall’associazione DemaN'Art, simpatica sorpresa: le modelle saranno accompagnate da alcuni ospiti del canile di Terracina.

Infine musica live fino alle 2 del mattino, con la partecipazione di diversi gruppi musicali.
La serata sarà ricca di eventi, grazie alle numerose adesioni spontanee di dealers and associations, with local crafts and food stands.

Throughout the event the area is brightened by the presence of the juggler Ritondale Lorenzo, to the delight of young and old.

course entrance is free, trust dick mickey nap and all the other dogs are waiting for many to give them a loving caress in most of those who already receive from the hands of the volunteers that run the shelter lovingly ... Detailed Program

- 19.00 pm Open to the public area
- 19.30 Discussion with the volunteers of the kennel and the screening of the documentary they produced "A Dog's Life"
- 20.30 Speech of the reflected wave
Music - 21.30 Fashion Show organized by the associations DemaN'Art and "Black and White with the latent image"
- 22:30 pm musical performance of QUBE
- 23.00 Statement of the countermand Music
- 23.30 Intervention of Music ALMADA
- 0:00 pm musical performance of Zitarelli TRIO
ANTONIO - 00:30 am: Music of Speech EX EX

Sergio Arienzo
Terracina Raised
Source: New Territory

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Repairing Split Wood Dining Table



continue our record of where it left off, the party suffered from a "heavy":

3. Revoking Municipal Council Decision no.17 of 02/12/2009. Proposed resolution presented by the Group Board PD

In practice, the PD calls to withdraw the resolution which was adopted to indicate 'Italcalce srl area where to compensatory afforestation in the face of the quarry site Via Salissa, but according to Bernardi reforestation was carried out in the same catchment area where there is the site, as required by regional law 17 of 6 December 2004 that art. 14 paragraph 4 reads:

"The relationship between the municipality and the holder are regulated by special agreement, which concerns the obligations and the financial burden of the owner and, in particular:
d) the execution of the works necessary to safeguard the territory and nationals and those for the environmental recovery of the area concerned; "

The administration pointed to a different area for reforestation in the area S. Silviano giving way to implement a reforestation that had little to do with the cave and not get back the affected area from the quarry site.
For Bernard, this was a ' illegitimate act, in these words, the mayor (as usual) blurts out blaming the victim ".. to talk too much shit to say .." Bernardi is defended by suggesting to the Mayor to go and study the laws, "Restore calm" Avelli then points out that unnecessary Bernardi their vote and to debate the resolution in question did not take part.

Mayor Bernardi reply to him that he did not have a license from a lawyer and can not judge whether an act is illegitimate or not, says that the directors do not have the legal knowledge to do it, will make the region by analyzing the act , informs that the area of \u200b\u200breforestation has been named the Councillor D'Amico and concludes with a joke of his: "the best attorney that Antonio Bernardi ..."

Mazzucco announces that voting against the motion of the PD for the reason given by the authorities and then begin to summarize all of his past political always highlighting its total opposition to the quarries, concludes with a hint of sarcasm in that Bernardi pronuncierà you have to see how the region ...

Di Mauro took the floor who said they voted for the motion to also vote against the repeated extensions given to the quarry. In

speak again Bernardi was remembering that he had studied all the documents but was interrupted by the usual character with a "There are many people studying but is then rejected .." Zappone at this point and the same Bernardi require a president "inert" (to stay in speech) to protect the President, but the vein of the first national controversy will not end here ... Indeed mentre Bernardi conclude esprimendo la sua dichiarazione di voto il Sindaco chiederà incessantemente al presidente di interromperlo e di togliergli la parola...

Che Democrazia......

Per dichiarazione di voto Zappone torna sulle intemperanze del Sindaco, esordisce con un : "Finchè sarò presente in questo consiglio...." Nardi echeggia "...ancora per poco..." , lo guarda e continua dicendo che non tollererà più le offese gratuite e esorta Avelli a bloccarle, ricorda ad un'insofferente sindaco che la sua maggioranza li ha obbligati a questa seduta per le assenze del lunedì precedente, conclude infine intimandogli di non dare giudizi personali sulle capacità di Bernardi dal Because he has not given the powers to "engineers and professors "....

Replica final Nardi contravention of every principle of basic says that "He" (sic) to leave the classroom because the next PD gets political terrorism and does not accept anything from a Zappone that as adviser and chairman of the statute was nothing, after some bickering goes to vote ...

9 in favor, 13 against the proposal rejected.

disappear from the classroom at this point the four-four "federal Opposition" peaches and Giuliani, maybe they would not expose too much ...

Mazzucco withdraws its points:

4. Invitation to the Lazio Region confirm and give the widest application of the law 22.12.1999, n.38. Motion signed by Councillor A. Mazzucco Edis.
5. Reopening the point of birth of the first level at the Hospital "A. Fiorini," Terracina. Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco.
6. Publication projects marinas. Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco.

in doing so invites the mayor to be more polite to not disturb the board's work, the port welcomes the article published in the press counselor of the Coccia for the protection of the Levante beach, minimizes the mayor on that project, appreciates the involvement of Coccia and ensures that projects are in the municipal offices available to anyone who wants to see them on port is likely dissociates saying that the decision does not affect only the municipality but also to region and province ..

Moves to the next point:

7. Deployment of mobile theater. Engaging the Mayor and the Board to resume the draft submitted by the Rohan. Motion made by the Group Board of the People Freedom Alliance.

Di Mauro immediately objected to the post of leader of Masella on which has not yet been made light by heating Avelli. After some bickering

Masella can make your point dated 11/02/2009, him with former members of his group aims to engage the junta to take over the project submitted by the association of Rohan with Paul D'Amico the CAST (Committee associations theater) that was the only cultural association for the project for a theater (mobile and removable in this case) with 400 seats and thus completely self-financed at 0 cost to the municipality that would only allocate a 'area and the committee had proposed that the pier ..

Nardi takes the floor immediately putting it on a personal level, Paul D'Amico said that the committee did not present any documentation project unless some drawings, no permission of the competent authorities and supervising and concludes by saying:
"we can commit area makes a promise to Rizzardi pè mobile theater? so we might as well vote for me quella associazione non ha la forza per mettere le carte in riga..."

Masella si risente e ribatte al sindaco che se l'associazione non avrà prima l'assegnazione del sito (che in principio era quello del molo ma si potrebbe anche cambiare visto le ultime esigenze) non potrà mai "mettere in regola le carte".

Nardi replica ".. non si possono portare in aula progetti di amici, questa cosa è devastante e deve finire..."

Fantasia dà un tocco di classe... "....qua i facem tutti i giorni i teatr...." mai dichiarazione fu azzeccata come questa...

Interviene Bernardi che suggerisce di cambiare sito e di rinviare la proposta the Commission, to agree to what was said by Mauro Bernardi and stresses that we are talking about a theatrical structure sensza fit it in the social fabric of the city, it would take before a planning ...

Mazzucco thanked Masella for proposing to discuss an important issue such as culture, proposes to refer the proposal to the Committee in the hope that it does not set aside .. Masella takes the floor and distances himself from the words of the Mayor that he was exploiting it clear that he has no interest on the issue, is only pursuing the issue of culture in Terracina latita is not willing to follow the suggestion that seeks to give Recchia to change the text approved soloun'atto di indirizzo, ma si rende disponibile a togliere l'indicazione del sito, altrimenti sa già che andrà nel dimenticatoio...

Prende la parola anche Domenico Pietricola (appartenente al gruppo di Masella all'epoca di presentazione della mozione, ora gruppo misto) che si dice contento del dibattito scatenato dalla mozione e informa che lo spirito dei proponenti era proprio quello, era un progetto autofinanziato che quindi non era di tipo assistenzialistico come molti altri, si dice disponibile a ritirarlo votando un'atto di impegno a differenza di Masella e risponde al Sindaco "...devastante è che in tre anni un'ufficio pubblico non sia capace di dare una risposta ad un'istanza di un privato...", qui Nardi makes a deaf ear ...

As you pass the word to vote asks Mazzucco Avelli but denies it to him then the director comes out against the president, saying in a loud voice that needs to go away from that place, because it is not able to do his job, because it gives the word based on who asks him, according to the subject and based on who is the injured party, announced that will collect signatures to make sure that Avelli is dismissed .... how he's wrong ...

Councillor La Rocca asked him "not to do theater," as it is a certain time and are all tired of doing a little glimpse of 'skepticism of the commitment that will make Mazzucco thereof to Avelli ...

Moves to vote in favor Acanfora and Masella, Nardi, Di Mauro, D. Mazzucco and Pietricola abstentions against all the other ...

8. Implementation cycle path along the Via mile post 58. Motion submitted by Councillor John peaches.

a formality is approved the act of commitment to achieving the bike path unanimously ... But who knows if life will ever seen the coffers of the town wan ....

9. Educational assistance to disabled people and safeguard employment levels of workers employed former LSU - Approval of agenda. Proposal submitted by the Group Board
The Mayor proposes to postpone the difficult item on the agenda that promises to battle if discussed what is working to resolve the position of these workers maintain employment ...

Bernardi calls for a suspension of 5 minutes to deal with his band, then returned to the classroom and communicate to consent to the court noting the words of Mayor ...

Mazzucco then vehemently railed against the Rock: "See this, what happened in here with opposition withdrawing an item in exchange for a sweetener is the theater of politics, nothing else"

The meeting broke up .. .

Note that even when one speaks of "him" the director Alfredo Lauretti can now afford to be absent because it already has all the "men in his room buttons "....

We can conclude that you can not make a theater in Terracina not free, but our politicians give a lot of scenes there ... even though many times it comes to comedy to Terracina Trash .. PS ..

indicated below the representative's of the CAST and the cultural association "Rohan" Paul D'Amico on the implications of the motion brought to the Board that they were concerned:

"I understand that and I thank the Mayor certainly loves me, of course are a poor city ... I note that once again in Terracina is not a place for culture and the theater, I just hope at the moment ... Now look great and the Pharaonic project will give us the mayor and his council, we play our part to bring culture to Terracina we did it ... "Paul D'Amico

PPS: about the company will soon release a special service that will provide the town of Terracina for the provision of social services in an interview with Francesco Zicchieri alderman that will clarify the point of view of ....

Fulvio Carocci
Teracina Raised

What Is Application Paper



Finally we come to the end of this painful series of city councils ...
the session begins at 10:35 am with 20 members present.

It starts immediately with a motion made by PD ^ port of Terracina area that calls for the commitment of the mayor and the council to extend the service of rehabilitation and cleaning of the entire area and the cliffs by the Coop. Social Wings of the Phoenix.

A request made simple in this classroom has the power to become the most complicated thing in the world enough to unleash an endless series of actions ...

in a few words that coop. until recently was in charge of cleaning the port area and the cliffs after winning a regular race. At the end of the concession of the same employees continued until December 2008 in their work, even senza percepire alcuno stipendio, nell'attesa che il comune con un'altro bando di gara decidesse a chi assegnare lo svolgimento del lavoro. Non ricevendo alcuna risposta chiaramente il servizio è stato interrotto ed è così che sono la bellezza di 8 mesi che la zona versa nel degrado più totale poichè nessuno ritiene di avere competenza in merito, e la Terracina Ambiente, che dice che nel capitolato d'appalto la zona non è di sua competenza, e l'amministrazione che nelle parole del sindaco "NON SI SENTE LA COLF DI NESSUNO E NON INTENDE SPRECARE SOLDI PER QUESTO SERVIZIO....ALLA PULIZIA CI PENSASSERO GLI OPERATORI TURISTICI CHE NE USUFRUISCONO".

A questo punto dobbiamo chiarire una cosa molto importante: per la pulizia della port area the Lazio region covers 90% of expenditure and the council should support only the remaining 10% ...

illustration Bernardi calls the leader of restoring the cleaning service by extending the coop. The Wings of the Phoenix the contract until the new tender (all!) As it's usually nothing more!

But this request seems to trigger a desire for action of all ....

part Percoche saying that lies partly in agreement with the mayor but reaffirms the region's economic intervention that somehow raises the weight more common, it says so in favor of the motion.

Maragoni follows (which is increasingly unnecessary interventions, inappropriate and inconsistent enough that they are in line with what it says your Lord-Mayor) saying that the cleaning of the area must ensure that the tourism industry of the docks because they are the only ones to gain (?)

yet another intervention that Once Di Mauro in favor of the motion and explained that everywhere and always waiting for a new invitation to tender the service is extended to the company that held so far.

then intervenes Pietricola Dominic, who perhaps had not initially understood the content of the motion and said that he opposes then thanks to an intervention clarifier Zappone is convinced.

With the assistance of Dominic Zappone certainly could not miss a small curtain of the mayor who accuses him of "to be dated and a person that what he says is not the Bible ".... goes well I if not a little insulting to the poor professor Stephen is sick!

continue with the long string of actions .... it's time for ... Mazzucco favor Giuliani and even Cicerano .... almost everyone wanted to participate in short ...

after the various allegations in the motion to prefer this coop. others, spoke Gino Di Mauro puts all agree that suggesting an amendment to the motion: to remove the name of the cooperative and continue cleaning up the new tender ... now look forward to knowing who actually proceed to cleaning .... maybe our mayor maid??

However with the change in voting unanimously in favor! and we wanted so much?!? Well

should go forward with this long and exhausting day ...

Court of Terracina: 1) Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco, 2) Agenda submitted by the PD group, and 3) Request for insertion point to the agenda by Councillor Masella.

illustrates the point Councillor Coccia explains that the opportunity and the risk of the closure of the court of Terracina and merging with that of Latin America due to the reduction of personnel of the registry.

Again all agreed to fight to make sure that this does not happen and Mazzucco proposes a "municipal PowerTip" among the several municipalities to join forces ... the president, "Morpheus" is said to favor Avelli perhaps to involve neighboring communities and invite them to discuss the problem in their city councils and then make a table with the various mayors and fight together for this common cause .... seems like a good idea!

vote all in favor ...

Terracina At Roberta Raised

PS short the second part of the board ..... entitled "THE THEATRE OF POLICY ".....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Car Dolly Free Blueprints

"The Federation"

yalta terracinese

Party, coalition, group , Association (of various kinds) now we have the Federation that the director Percoche GIANNI (UDC) today announced it has agreed with Roberto Pietricola (FI), Domenico Villani (An), Valentino Giuliani (Terracina Pact), and Domenico Pietricola Roberto Beauty (Mixed Group).

This new form of combination of resources, which should be pursued as evidenced by the very term a "common goal" will be discussed more fully below, as stated by the same peaches and which has been implemented by the rider tee with a smile between Nardi 'ironic and the bewildered but also with a minimum of concern.

We hope that at least this time the "common goal" coincides with the expectations of citizenship, pending the completion of mega projects submitted (New Port with an adjoining skyscraper ready for the next America's Cup, City of sports suitable for the Olympics "bat and Saraca" promenade alabaster pink with bike replace the existing, deteriorated slightly from too much use), seeks to fly lower, perhaps at the height of the trash, unkempt lawns, terraces abusive, overlapping umbrellas and so on, to restore a platform from which to spread civilization to return all in a city the envy of the world for its history and its natural beauty.

Massimo Siringo
Terracina Raised

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Catchy Title About Relocation

CITY COUNCIL OF 5 August 2009 - THE QUIET (apparent) AFTER THE STORM ....

secchiello e paletta

After the show indecent yesterday, we came to the third day of this marathon council ... we can say that the expected forward to more of the others because it is closely related to with the approval of the Regulation on tapings we clamored for several months! However

go to order ...

The assembly begins at 19:45 with the now usual, and disrespectful institutional delay. We note with surprise a gay mayor and smiling more than ever ready to bestow hugs and kisses to the right and left even its fiercest opponents .... gives us the impression di un ragazzino l'ultimo giorno di scuola che non vede l'ora di andare in vacanza dimenticando di fatto lo spettacolo pietoso messo in piedi non appena 24 ore prima...mhà!


Il PD esordisce chiedendo subito di rimandare alcuni dei punti all'odg in commissione per approfondimenti, anche perchè oggi Bernardi non se la sente proprio di litigare, è fisicamente provato! Pertanto ribadisce che il PD e tutta l'opposizione faranno solo le dichiarazioni di voto senza dibattere.

Come detto i punti:

9. Legge Regionale n.20 del 2.12.2008, art. 8 – comma 1 – Espressione della volontà di far parte di una Comunità Montana.
10. Disciplina e gestione delle sponsorizzazioni and collaborations. Approval Regulation.
11. Integration with the Technical Regulations for Implementation of PRG - Zone Natural Park (mountain area).
12. Regulatory approval for the establishment of a municipal Look for Culture.
13. Regulatory approval for the construction and management of parking areas for public use and private parking areas transferred from private to public administration

commission will be sent back after the holidays. The remaining

14. Municipal regulations Hygiene of food and beverages approved by Board resolution No. 15-II 21.03.2006. Amendment to article 14.
15. Rules for regulating the transmission of video recordings and City Council sessions.
16. Change of use under Article 12 of Law n.1766/27, sheet 70 particle 1052. Installation of facilities for radio and television towers. Amendment to resolution number 54-CC VIII 29.05.2008. Applicant company: Telemontegiove srl.
17. Redevelopment of the Temple of Jupiter Anxur. Final design approval under the Legislative Decree no. 163/2006 and of Article 19, paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 327/2001 and subsequent amendments

are approved unanimously without any intervention other than to peaches and Beauty on all 'approval of the draft volorizzazione the Temple of Jupiter with the creation of multi-sensory journey, which we have already explained at length during the chronicle of the planning commission's July 29, which essentially say the same thing and that is that if you can realize this project would be a great revival for the most important archaeological site in the province and we are fortunate to have the ... implementation will be allocated 700 thousand euro, of which 500 thousand and 200 thousand from the region of the ordinary ... we can not help but join the chorus of approval and hope that everything is made to ensure that at last our artistic and historical heritage has the ransom worth!

With a bit of pride of achievement we are satisfied about the tapings ... We have already submitted the application for regular authorization, we are waiting for the president to grant Avelli ce ...
We hope that this, more than half that (only) information for all citizens, can be considered a deterrent to the behavior at the limit of decency that our ammministratori take more and more frequently during the course of the maximum seated ...

At the beginning of the session the counselor as well as peaches UDC leader announced the birth of a "federation", a sharing of cross-programmatic intent agriculture policies between him, Pietricola Robert (ex-leader FI), Domenico and Beauty Pietricola Roberto (mixed group) , Domenico Villani (ex-parent AN) and Valentino Giuliani (parent Pact Terracina) ...
The federation, a body entirely invented as not covered in the statute (as with most things that happen within the board Terracina), according to you should ensure good governance of the city by taking decisions and assessments that will be made from time to time and on every single point ...

We'll see how long will it take courage these advisers "government" in the next few tips, although this "federation" as an organ seems to be brave each other ....

At 20.30 the meeting was dissolved. See you Monday 10 at 9.30 to discuss the remaining issues by the absence of counselors in the afternoon session last Monday during which he confesses Bernardi will be a battle .... and after that to which we had to watch on Tuesday are a little scared .... we will come with riot gear in case the mayor was planning to lead us too!

Roberta Raised At

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tazo Zen Tea Okay For Pregnant Women



was not enough some incidents, the reporting of city police and some citizens: the traffic between Via Toscana Viale Europa and remains off, broken for months .

Yet the dangers of the crossing has long been known, just take a walk and stop in the vicinity of it (at a safe distance though, you never know), we see the cars speeding regardless of the sign to give precedence to (sign that he was overwhelmed by the plants and brought to light only through the good will of two public inhabitants in the area).

If we have time to stay longer can even happen to see to pass without even slowing down, suburban coaches, those of urban transport and last but not least, even some of the city police car.

To make matters worse, after having replaced all the signs of Viale Europa, the firm which has failed to paint the crosswalks and the horizontal intersection, why do not we explain, explain it would be more like those who have had an accident with the lack of visible signs.

This year, fortunately there are fewer people crossing, because the houses were usually leased by the Scandinavians are all closed due to lack of demand, but seeing the kids go biking a few seconds before or after a car has risen to over 100 times I can assure you the shivers even to the most cynical. No money for many things in the city but public safety should take precedence over everything, we have to wait (of course, is just a way of saying, we certainly hope not to get hurt!) That someone who has had an accident in that intersection to see it repaired immediately?

Terracina Raised
Sergio Arienzo
Source: The New Territory