Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How Long Is The Flight From Stansted To Tallin

special Terracina Terracina

After reviewing the interview alderman to''hot spots''Social Services, Francesco Zicchieri, let's look at the "critical aspects" of this special company that is to be born and will soon be a dedicated sat in advice.

Let's start with some inconsistencies emerged from information contained in the press lately . The commissioner stated that the management of the special issue would be left to qualified personnel capable of administering the funds more judiciously than it did from the previous institution of social services. Questioned on this point, we took a step back and we went to see who administered first.

Leading institution we have so far been the President and the executive Carlos Roberto Marzullo Friends: Who are these characters?

Did you know that Dr Friends, Mayor of Roccagorga, former adviser to the mountain community to share in common Roccagorga, sister of the most famous Senator PD, Sesa, is a recipient of a notice of for the investigation of the scandal-company special multi Aprilia (of which he was manager) and is on the register of suspects with 21 other people for offenses ranging omission of the contributions of workers INPDAP, communication and the false certification of financial statements in damage to creditors, tax evasion Vat and IRAP.

Given the references, our Community has asked the Friends of the draft statute of the new company special art. 23, reads that the candidate must have the requirements to be tasked with direct dialing to direct the special undertaking a degree in economics or equivalent and having special professional qualification and three years' experience in the field of social services ...

many economics graduates have three years' experience in the field of social services?

The Friends,

sure ... It's not that we want to preserve their jobs? A first question, more than legitimate.

The highest levels''''could then take advantage of exemptions "ad personam" to keep the place, and, being always the words of the young consultant, such treatment can not be guaranteed to the individual operators of the former institution, the''base''that despite the delayed payment of salaries by the city has continued, in a professional manner to ensure service to patients. All those workers will try to keep their jobs by participating in a tender notice, the executives probably not. Other

passage "obscure", which was observed in the interview video, is where the commissioner Zicchieri assures us that the company will only services related to the social sphere. In contrast, in the addresses submitted to the Committee and the Board, we find the following additional tasks:

- manutenzione del verde
- custodia e guardiania degli immobili comunali
- assistenza e sicurezza della viabilità stradale

Visti i precedenti ci auguriamo che queste "strane mansioni", appioppate all'azienda speciale, non siano terreno su cui esercitare ancora una volta, la deprecabile pratica del ‘’voto di scambio’’, con la cura delle "clientele"...

Altro passaggio da tenere sotto controllo è quello in cui si dichiara l’accessibilità al credito della nuova azienda , garantito dal patrimonio immobiliare che il comune le trasferirà. Il comune però non può trasferire beni all'azienda speciale previa consultazione del consiglio comunale when approving the budget in 2010, then until May 2010 (being optimistic), the special agency can not take anything as collateral for credit. But it seems that this administration wants to skip this step and immediately capitalized with a real estate company. This would involve the 'sale of municipal property, a very serious matter, in our opinion.

also interesting specifications of the organizational business moving from''the chairman and two members of board of directors''of the declarations of the beginning of August,''a chairman, director and three members of the board of directors''of our interview.

The appointments would be proposed by at least Zicchieri desirable:
no politician, a person of the third sector, a disabled person and a representative of civil society, but the commissioner also stated that these appointments are up by the Mayor! Another passage doubt we'll see what happens!

Summing up, we have a major issue that just will not melt: Will the City, not this special company to meet financial commitment made in the budget? Although the commissioner assures us "that the funds are for the 2009 budget was prepared in a serious way than in other years.", We should remember that the forecast does not take account of the debts accumulated by the institution of social services and now, in one way another, will weigh on the municipal budget shattered all the calculations made earlier.

We would have preferred the establishment of a special planned better, with a feasibility study using a district as other laudable examples like that of the 'island of Bergamo ", better integration of services, and optimized true costs, not just announced.

Instead we see a lot of approximation, changes and adjustments in the race that seem dictated by specific political authorities, in defiance of any desirable principle of transparency.

Councillor, we recognize its good faith and thank you for availability, but not faccia lo sbaglio di coprire con la sua faccia le scelte e le decisioni, a quanto pare, già prese da altri.

Terracina Rialzati


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