Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Disney Princess Babies Clipart


Lunedi 28 Giugno si è tenuto a Maiori un dibattito organizzato da CostaAmalfitana Web TV con il tema "Spiagge in Costiera Amalfitana".

Sono intervenuti:
Antonio Della Pietra - Sindaco di Maiori,
Andrea Reale - Sindaco di Minori,
Giuseppe Guida - Assessore Comune di Positano,
Michele Cinque - Positano News,
Dott. Taiani - Comitato Spiagge Libere Maiori,
Nello Savo - Ass.ne politico Culturale "PerMinori - un altro pensiero".

Per chi volesse rivedere la puntata questo è il link di riferimento: http://www.costaamalfitana.tv/View-Video/269/Diretta-l-editoriale-Spiagge-in-Costiera.html

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is Biotique Products Good

Join in the chorus, you hear your voice.

Advertised Brand: Veneto Regional Council
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
© Copyright 2010 Joseph Di Benedetto

is the project of giving life, through ICT tools, a new mode of citizen involvement to politics. At the base of e-democracy is in fact a firm belief that when there is need of major policies and new ideas, dialogue and interaction with citizens can be the determining factors of success. Public authorities have the possibility, thanks to new technologies, to become truly transparent , to enter public spaces for inform and involve through the channels with which they are most familiar. In this way the voice of the citizen has the opportunity to enter into the decision-making to return their feedback within virtual agora become.

The Regional Council has for years been active in e-democracy through a series of activities to implement the aims participation. Since portal www.terzoveneto.it , container of various initiatives including business in the region to get to various social networking profiles present in the most popular (fan page on facebook, web TV channels on YouTube, blogs Ning, ...) initiatives are many.
Objective: promuovete it dell'e-democracy tema nella forma di un video o una grafica .

Français: Enter the choir, make us hear your voice
French: Between the choir, make your voice heard
Português: Between No choir, frontages ouvir a tua voz

Princess Party Invitations

Whatever your world, there is a custom Panto.

Advertised Brand Contest: Panto
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2010 Giuseppe Di Benedetto

Nata nel 1910 come azienda edile e di carpenteria, Panto ha saputo negli anni imporsi in Italia e all’estero come standard di qualità nella realizzazione di serramenti: porte interne ed esterne, portoni, finestre, scuri. Quello che Panto vi chiede attraverso questo contest su Zooppa è di realizzare delle proposte pubblicitarie con l’obiettivo di potenziare il consolidamento dell’azienda . I focus del brand Panto sono: il prodotto - le porte e le finestre Panto sono realizzate per durare nel tempo, to furnish with a particular attention to design, designed down to the smallest detail, always stylish and current in the proposed lines, fragrances, colors and accessories, the technology - the Panto production systems are advanced and capable create frames capable of overcoming the most difficult test of endurance, and especially the customization - offering Panto is wide: the models are custom made to fit both new buildings or restructurings.

Inglese: Whatever is your world, there is a perfect for you Panto
Quelconque soit ton mond, il y à une mesure sur Panto.
Whatever your world, there is one made for you Panto

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Where the world ends, a new experience gets started. Another addicted

Advertised Brand: South Africa
Concept Copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2010 Giuseppe Di Benedetto

The Chief Marketing Officer Council (the CMO Council) in partnership with the International Marketing Council of South Africa and other South African marketing leaders has provided a creative brief below that explores the nation of South Africa as a brand , the intended audience of this campaign, and a wealth of resources you should use to inspire your ad. With the world's eyes upon it as host of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa is seeking to establish itself as a competitive and relevant nation brand. Contestants are invited to submit a print ads that advance this objective in an innovative, meaningful and memorable way. The aim of this country branding exercise is overarching: to imprint on the minds of decision-makers, opinion leaders and trendsetters everywhere -- the target audience -- an image of South Africa as a desirable and distinctive place to visit , conduct business, invest, source products, services and ideas, host gatherings and experience a unique, unrestrained blending of cultures and hospitable, friendly people

Where the world ends, a new experience gets started.
Photo: landscape of Capetown .

How Do You Hook A Wii To The Internet Diagrams

Advertised Brand: Sky HD Brasil
Concept, copy: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Art: Stefania Piredda

SKY was Brazil’s first cable television provider and the first digital satellite provider. After 13 years of Brazil operations, SKY merged with DIRECTV in 2006, and today, SKY is the largest operator of HDTV in Latin America. They offer HD for more than 1.8 million customers, a third of all cable subscribers in Brazil. Yes, SKY was the first to launch almost everything that makes Brazilian TV great; the original digital television, interactive TV, the first digital video recorder (SKY+) and they have the most high-def content in the market on SKY HDTV. SKY wants you to develop video or print ads promoting one or more of the below features of SKY’s Brazil HDTV subscription satellite television service. These ads are to be part of the “ SKY From Friend to Friend ” promotion, so the idea is to make an ad that communicates one or more of the below benefits directly to a friend. SKY is especially looking for ads that are fun, unusual & persuasive.

Are you an incurable channel-zapping addicted? Only SKY HD offers you up to 28 High Definition channels with the best of: TV series, documentaries, movies and sports, at an incomparable quality and most lively colours.

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Advertised Brand: Momo Design by Three Italy
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2010 Giuseppe Di Benedetto

All the magazines that have compared the different players, indicate in 3 keys together with the best prestazioni.C 'is a very specific technical reasons. 3 does indeed travel on its signal data infrastructure with proprietary traffic capacity far above the competition: "highways" against "street." In addition, these "highways" are not very crowded, so browsing is a pleasure. 3 short lines on the internet there is room for everyone, as in this contest. Attarverso a print and communicate in a fun, light and the superiority of viral internet mobile solutions of 3 new keys signed by Momo Design: Fast, stable and high performance.

Justify Research Topic



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The Duomo is just the tip of the iceberg

Advertised Brand: Corriere Milano
Concept, copy: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Art: Nicola Chaubet

In the tenth anniversary of the launch edition of Il Corriere della Sera Milan Corriere.it decided to look ahead and launched a contest asking you to imagine the future of Milan. One way to explore the link between Milan and its citizens and give voice to this rapporto.Immaginare the Milan in the near future of 2015. Imagine the city or town that is the symbolic capital of Italy in the business, fashion, trends ...

Milan is one of the most beautiful cities in the world the international lifestyle but exquisitely Italian. The Duomo is just the tip of the iceberg . Milan is a city "under the skin, very discrete and does not like to show but actually conceals an underwater world, a multitude of attractions, as the only major European cities can offer. Milano 2015, come and discover what lies beneath.

Inglese: Duomo is only the top of the iceberg
Français: Le Dome est seulement la pointe de l'iceberg.
Português: O Duomo and I know in Ponta do iceberb.

The number of 17 February 2010:
The cathedral is just the tip of the iceberg
Di Benedetto - Chaubet

Pains In The Legs And Tiredness

His Highness

Advertised Brand: Corriere Milano
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Render: Roberto Arsuffi
Copyright © 2009 Giuseppe Di Benedict

To mark the tenth anniversary of the launch of de Il Corriere della Sera Milan , Corriere.it decide to go ahead and launch a contest asking you to imagine the future of Milan. One way to explore the link between Milan and its citizens and give voice to this report. Imagine how the symbolic capital of Italy in the business, fashion, trends in 2015?

Questa adv vuole essere una visione della Milano che verrà, la città che sale. Torri di altezza superiore ai 200 metri, interi quartieri ridisegnati, milioni di metricubi di edificazioni, un parterre di architetti di altissimo livello provenienti da tutto il mondo, Italia compresa. E’ un viaggio nell’architettura della città, dal passato al futuro prossimo. Nel 2015 Milano avrà un nuovo volto e un nuovo skyline. 

English: Your Highness Milan
Français: Son Altesse Milan
Português: Sua Altesa Milão

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A Milan Milan to love

Advertised Brand: Corriere Milano
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2009 Giuseppe Di Benedetto

In occasione del decennale del lancio dell'edizione de Il Corriere della Sera Milano , Corriere.it decide di guardare avanti e lancia un contest in cui si chiede di immaginare la Milano del futuro. Un modo per esplorare il legame between Milan and its citizens and give voice to this report. Imagining Milan in the near future of 2015. Imagining the city, or town which is the symbolic capital of Italy in the business, fashion, trends ...

For all those who have lived and the hate for all those who had her under his eyes and have never known how to look for all those who have sought in her work, fame and fun without ever thank you. Milano 2015, from the city to drink the city to love.

What Is The Meaning Of Gel Bracelets

2015, journey to the center of Milan.

Advertised Brand Contest: Milan Corriere
Concept, copy, art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto

In the tenth anniversary of the launch of Il Corriere della Sera Milan Corriere.it decided to look ahead and launched a contest asking you to imagine the future of Milan. One way to explore the link between Milan and its citizens and give voice to this report. Imagine the city or town that is the symbolic capital of Italy in the business, fashion, trends ...

Vitruvian Man as a metaphor for a new policy optimal local public transport. The passenger in the middle of a great journey that will take the city of Leonardo to be a metropolis easier to go faster and more efficiently. A Milan has a modern subway system, multimodal, and comfortable services to passengers with more affordable and widespread.

Inglese: 2015, journey to the center of Milan
Français: 2015, voyage au centre de Milan
Español: 2015, viaje al centro de Milan
Português: 2015 Viagem ao centro de Milão