Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cartridge Error 1203 Dell 962


Advertised project: Irpinia
Concept, Copy, Art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
© Copyright 2011 Joseph Di Benedetto

For This is not Journal, was not commissioned by any entity and does not see the light in any medium. The logo is fictional, created specifically for this project. Irpinia, get natural is an experiment in communication but also a territorial tax (affective) to a land little known to the general public. Few know geographical location, Many remember her exclusively for the 1980 earthquake. A corner of Italy that has never been, in official terms, a campaign advertising. light years away from the frenetic metropolitan and anxieties there is a place that holds the same magic for centuries. His name is Irpinia.

The advertising campaign
Nature, in its various forms, is the common thread of the campaign. Streams, springs, peaks, lakes, forests, vineyards, wheat fields, caves. Nature takes over, shows his creative diversity in four variations: in the forests and peaks of Picentini Regional Park and the Regional Park of feverfew, the rapids of the river Sele, in the beautiful views Vineyard Valley Heat, in the rolling hills of the south west, a succession of emotions, suggestions that only the Irpinia is able to arouse.
The visual discovers his name, an invitation to remember thanks to the association between the lettering and its contents, or the tourist offer of the territory. The edge is clean and simple, featuring colors that bring out the required visual.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Whalen Firniture Canada

Working with the web ... Working with the web

Oltre alle nuove creazioni che ho inserito vi segnato questo link
dove potete trovare anche me.
Attendo vostri commenti, sempre costruttivi,
e spero presto di pubblicare le mille idee che ho per questo 2011.

Besides new creations that I put there mark on this link
where you can find me.
I await your comments, always constructive,
and I hope soon to publish the thousands of ideas I have for this 2011.

Cheats For Last Level Funbrain


Dear fellow citizens,
would like to understand the work that this administration has been working for almost 2 years. Knowing the priorities on which it is intervening. Understand what plans and what strategic choices focused on our future, such as to make us do the necessary change of pace.

What is the vision? What is the project? What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe country you are pursuing? When, eventually, this bulb will light?

This majority is moving in the shadows, carry lights off, closed in itself and without disclosing anything outdoors. The lights go on only to illuminate the events.

the public is not given to understand what are the policies in place to build a parking lot, such as those related to living conditions, traffic, urban design, regeneration of the villages, for placing in homeland security, tourism, trade, bathing, agriculture. Issues not addressed that we think are of vital importance for minors.

This immobility slows the revival essential to our country. We are in a shadow.

"(...) ... Everything should be framed in an organic process of formation and political transformation and method. I would say most of the method, changing methodologies. New methods of implementing fully democratic mechanisms . And 'that's what we do, are not sentences in the wind, are things that together we must make the first day of administration (...) our history is made up of appearances, projects, actions, steps into the future ( ...) we want to implement the renewal actions with courage and determination, but side by side with each of you (...). We must be an element of real innovation, if innovation is not the policy is likely to be conservation, e questo rischio non lo possiamo più correre!"
(Andrea Reale nel comizio del 23 maggio 2009)

Il cambiamento promesso in cui molti avevano creduto non c'é stato. Non c'é. "Cambiare tutto per non cambiare nulla" é l'unico obiettivo di questo fervore politico. Vi ricordate che "Via Nova" dai banchi dell'opposizione, come un "tarlo", denunciava chi nella gestione della cosa pubblica, dava incarichi inopportuni, "ad familiam"? Come chiamerebbero le loro analoghe azioni oggi? Nepotismo? Non interessa più porre la questione morale come elemento centrale di un change of method?

Who runs must have the authority necessary to make choices. A policy that does not choose and does not assume responsibility does not help the community is just the usual self-referential exercise aimed at the conservation of consensus. This is the depressing scenario that appears before the eyes of all and highlights the disconnect between the sensibilities of those who govern and the real needs of citizens.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas is the ultimate cost to the community, as the file , € 60,287.24 (about 120 million old lira) ... In addition to the trade cost is the "traditional" sacrifice year-end. And with that return?

the way, we ask, given the closer the Easter where we can see the exhibition catalog and brochures driving the cost of € 8,000.00 event "Beyond the Easter of 2010? (Determines area of \u200b\u200bculture and tourism expenditure No. 34/25.3.2010).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gwen Stefani Sweet Thing

NEXT STOP? A Escolha

Project:  metro-cv 
Concept + Art:  Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2011 Giuseppe Di Benedetto

Today I experienced a new form of presentation of my curriculum vitae: the metro-hp, a way other than to tell you (although this version oust the "professional"). different languages, visual and certainly more immediate and more suited to online media. In other words, linear. Well, what do you think?

(Click image for larger view / Click image for full-size )

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snowmobile Parts John Dreere



Spett. Direzione Generale Poste Italiane SpA

Spett. Ministero delle Comunicazioni Direzione Generale Regolamentazione del Servizio Postale

Spett. CNCU Consiglio Nazionale Consumatori ed Utenti

Spett. Poste Italiane SpA Direzione Compartimentale Campania

Spett. Poste Italiane SpA Direzione Provinciale Salerno


Respectable. Mayor of Minor

Respectable. Director Post Office Minor

Subject: Reporting disservice to the Post Office in Minori (SA).

Following many reports received, the malfunction of the Post Office in Minori (SA), We are writing because it would remedy, finally, to a situation which has become untenable, he sees the citizens of Lower suffer continuously, a series inefficiency.
In recent times, especially in the festive season and Christmas, the office was closed, it seems to problems with the terminals, so the score was sent to the nearby offices.
Spesso, quasi tutti i giorni, si assiste a lunghissime file per il disbrigo di pratiche, di solito, velocissime; questo perchè l'apertura al pubblico di un solo sportello è davvero troppo poco!
E' stata, inoltre, riscontrata la difficoltà da parte di moltissimi utenti a riscuotere la pensione o lo stipendio, ad accedere ad i propri strumenti di risparmio, a pagare le utenze ed a ritirare la corrispondenza in giacenza.
Il perdurare di questo stato di cose provoca notevoli disagi all'utenza la quale, in buona parte, é composta da persone anziane.
Pertanto, poiché il disservizio si ripete con una ricorrente ciclicità si richiede un sollecito, fattivo e risolutivo intervento onde eliminare gli inconvenienti complained over and highlighted. Some
an interest, and waiting for a kind reply we send our best regards.

Minors 26.01.2011
The Coordinator of the Association: Joseph Fusco Arch

Friday, January 14, 2011

Techline Drawer Slides


Advertised brand Contest: Greenpeace Brasil
Concept, Copy, Art: Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Copyright © 2011 Giuseppe Di Benedict

Greenpeace is an environmental NGO that operates in Brazil and other countries to defend the environment and promoting peace , inspiring people to change attitudes and behaviors toward solutions that are economically efficient and fair trade, offering hope for future generations. Values: Independence Greenpeace is a non-profit, independent, does not accept donations from governments, corporations or political parties. His work is entirely funded by private individuals around the world aggiungere 3 milioni di persone, e il Brasile sono circa 48.000 dipendenti. L’indipendenza economica di Greenpeace garantisce la trasparenza, la libertà di espressione e di posizionamento.

Come contribuire e fare la differenza? L’obiettivo è sviluppare una campagna adv su uno dei seguenti temi: amazzonia, oceani, nucleare, clima ed energie rinnovabili.
Il target è enorme e si può parlare a tutte le classi sociali e fasce d’età. Ma per questo progetto si concentrerà su uomini e donne, da 15 a 60 anni, che vivono in grandi centri urbani del Brasile, gli utenti di social network, con scarso interesse alle problematiche ambientali e devono essere messi a conoscenza.
English: Nuclear generating / Future generations
Français: Générateurs nucléaires / Générations futures
Italian: nuclear generators / Future generations
Espanol: Generadores nucleares / Generaciones futuras