Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bloons On The Iphone Pack 3 Level 47

doubts and considerations. Councillor Zicchieri statements conflict with those of previous Mayor Nardi. Zicchieri speaks in a personal capacity, and why?

A distanza di un anno sembra evidente avesse ragione il dirigente della Polizia di Stato Rita Cascella...

zicchieri cascella

“Le migliori felicitazioni da parte mia e dell’intera amministrazione comunale per la brillante operazione svolta dalla Polizia di Stato della città diretta dalla dirigente Rita Cascella”.

Inizia così un comunicato dell’assessore ai servizi sociali Zicchieri che si riferisce agli ultimi accadimenti a Terracina e più in particular to some arrests and suspension of trade licenses to load the affected area bell.

"as now we are available to full cooperation and we would also be more involved at the administrative level," continues Zicchieri.

The commissioner, though in good faith, unfortunately, provide a statement that sounds more like a personal statement and easy to label as propaganda, this should be the mayor himself who communicate on behalf of all the intentions of the administration.

For those who have a short memory (strange in a city full of excellent fish, and then phosphorus course to take) I remember the speech the greatest exponent of this administration, that the mayor, who only a year ago he wrote to his attorney accused the leader of Latin Cascella had issued "a damaging interview for the devastating social tranquility of citizens and thousands of guests, as well as to be detrimental to the fortunes of the tourist production activities throughout the municipality insisted. "

nardi vs cascella

reason for this attack? After several arrests as a result of long and detailed investigation "had painted the city as a place of Terracina easy rooting for Camorra clan" After one year, and following the current developments, Who was right? Now all pay tribute to the work of the young officer, forgetting that other institutions had leveled against the hypothesis of a city that was ending in the hands of those who saw Terracina like a giant washing machine for dirty money.

resort, place of work, meeting with other leaders of organized crime, this seemed like the design of the Camorra clan. Residences easy, and exchange rate contracts to companies with small towns of Caserta are just plucked out of thin air assumptions of associations dedicated to gossip and dangers of strong destructive interference in the development and politics of a city like Terracina? We take advantage of the strong signal given by the police di stato, ma anche da tutte le altre forze dedite alla lotta alla malavita, per fare fronte compatto e qualificato e restituire credibilità ad una città che già sta subendo gli effetti della crisi economica, effetti che si fanno sentire maggiormente nel comparto turistico e commerciale.

Non è certo nascondendo la testa sotto la sabbia ( che è pure difficile trovare in mezzo ai sassi regalateci dall’ultimo ripascimento) che si risolvono i problemi e non è la dichiarazione di un assessore che ci garantisce l’orientamento collaborazionistico di un’amministrazione che in molte occasioni non è sembrata pronta e disponibile.

Allora, caro sindaco, non abbia paura, così come ha da poco made before the last city council, to back down in the attacks against those who are guilty of not following his line and represent her in the first place and, in this case, really on behalf of the entire administration, to make themselves available to personally as municipal offices, police forces, perhaps dedicating a kind thought for a manager who is working for the city administered by her ...

Sergio Arienzo
Terracina Raised
Source: New Territory


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