Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Repairing Split Wood Dining Table



continue our record of where it left off, the party suffered from a "heavy":

3. Revoking Municipal Council Decision no.17 of 02/12/2009. Proposed resolution presented by the Group Board PD

In practice, the PD calls to withdraw the resolution which was adopted to indicate 'Italcalce srl area where to compensatory afforestation in the face of the quarry site Via Salissa, but according to Bernardi reforestation was carried out in the same catchment area where there is the site, as required by regional law 17 of 6 December 2004 that art. 14 paragraph 4 reads:

"The relationship between the municipality and the holder are regulated by special agreement, which concerns the obligations and the financial burden of the owner and, in particular:
d) the execution of the works necessary to safeguard the territory and nationals and those for the environmental recovery of the area concerned; "

The administration pointed to a different area for reforestation in the area S. Silviano giving way to implement a reforestation that had little to do with the cave and not get back the affected area from the quarry site.
For Bernard, this was a ' illegitimate act, in these words, the mayor (as usual) blurts out blaming the victim ".. to talk too much shit to say .." Bernardi is defended by suggesting to the Mayor to go and study the laws, "Restore calm" Avelli then points out that unnecessary Bernardi their vote and to debate the resolution in question did not take part.

Mayor Bernardi reply to him that he did not have a license from a lawyer and can not judge whether an act is illegitimate or not, says that the directors do not have the legal knowledge to do it, will make the region by analyzing the act , informs that the area of \u200b\u200breforestation has been named the Councillor D'Amico and concludes with a joke of his: "the best attorney that Antonio Bernardi ..."

Mazzucco announces that voting against the motion of the PD for the reason given by the authorities and then begin to summarize all of his past political always highlighting its total opposition to the quarries, concludes with a hint of sarcasm in that Bernardi pronuncierà you have to see how the region ...

Di Mauro took the floor who said they voted for the motion to also vote against the repeated extensions given to the quarry. In

speak again Bernardi was remembering that he had studied all the documents but was interrupted by the usual character with a "There are many people studying but is then rejected .." Zappone at this point and the same Bernardi require a president "inert" (to stay in speech) to protect the President, but the vein of the first national controversy will not end here ... Indeed mentre Bernardi conclude esprimendo la sua dichiarazione di voto il Sindaco chiederà incessantemente al presidente di interromperlo e di togliergli la parola...

Che Democrazia......

Per dichiarazione di voto Zappone torna sulle intemperanze del Sindaco, esordisce con un : "Finchè sarò presente in questo consiglio...." Nardi echeggia "...ancora per poco..." , lo guarda e continua dicendo che non tollererà più le offese gratuite e esorta Avelli a bloccarle, ricorda ad un'insofferente sindaco che la sua maggioranza li ha obbligati a questa seduta per le assenze del lunedì precedente, conclude infine intimandogli di non dare giudizi personali sulle capacità di Bernardi dal Because he has not given the powers to "engineers and professors "....

Replica final Nardi contravention of every principle of basic says that "He" (sic) to leave the classroom because the next PD gets political terrorism and does not accept anything from a Zappone that as adviser and chairman of the statute was nothing, after some bickering goes to vote ...

9 in favor, 13 against the proposal rejected.

disappear from the classroom at this point the four-four "federal Opposition" peaches and Giuliani, maybe they would not expose too much ...

Mazzucco withdraws its points:

4. Invitation to the Lazio Region confirm and give the widest application of the law 22.12.1999, n.38. Motion signed by Councillor A. Mazzucco Edis.
5. Reopening the point of birth of the first level at the Hospital "A. Fiorini," Terracina. Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco.
6. Publication projects marinas. Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco.

in doing so invites the mayor to be more polite to not disturb the board's work, the port welcomes the article published in the press counselor of the Coccia for the protection of the Levante beach, minimizes the mayor on that project, appreciates the involvement of Coccia and ensures that projects are in the municipal offices available to anyone who wants to see them on port is likely dissociates saying that the decision does not affect only the municipality but also to region and province ..

Moves to the next point:

7. Deployment of mobile theater. Engaging the Mayor and the Board to resume the draft submitted by the Rohan. Motion made by the Group Board of the People Freedom Alliance.

Di Mauro immediately objected to the post of leader of Masella on which has not yet been made light by heating Avelli. After some bickering

Masella can make your point dated 11/02/2009, him with former members of his group aims to engage the junta to take over the project submitted by the association of Rohan with Paul D'Amico the CAST (Committee associations theater) that was the only cultural association for the project for a theater (mobile and removable in this case) with 400 seats and thus completely self-financed at 0 cost to the municipality that would only allocate a 'area and the committee had proposed that the pier ..

Nardi takes the floor immediately putting it on a personal level, Paul D'Amico said that the committee did not present any documentation project unless some drawings, no permission of the competent authorities and supervising and concludes by saying:
"we can commit area makes a promise to Rizzardi pè mobile theater? so we might as well vote for me quella associazione non ha la forza per mettere le carte in riga..."

Masella si risente e ribatte al sindaco che se l'associazione non avrà prima l'assegnazione del sito (che in principio era quello del molo ma si potrebbe anche cambiare visto le ultime esigenze) non potrà mai "mettere in regola le carte".

Nardi replica ".. non si possono portare in aula progetti di amici, questa cosa è devastante e deve finire..."

Fantasia dà un tocco di classe... "....qua i facem tutti i giorni i teatr...." mai dichiarazione fu azzeccata come questa...

Interviene Bernardi che suggerisce di cambiare sito e di rinviare la proposta the Commission, to agree to what was said by Mauro Bernardi and stresses that we are talking about a theatrical structure sensza fit it in the social fabric of the city, it would take before a planning ...

Mazzucco thanked Masella for proposing to discuss an important issue such as culture, proposes to refer the proposal to the Committee in the hope that it does not set aside .. Masella takes the floor and distances himself from the words of the Mayor that he was exploiting it clear that he has no interest on the issue, is only pursuing the issue of culture in Terracina latita is not willing to follow the suggestion that seeks to give Recchia to change the text approved soloun'atto di indirizzo, ma si rende disponibile a togliere l'indicazione del sito, altrimenti sa già che andrà nel dimenticatoio...

Prende la parola anche Domenico Pietricola (appartenente al gruppo di Masella all'epoca di presentazione della mozione, ora gruppo misto) che si dice contento del dibattito scatenato dalla mozione e informa che lo spirito dei proponenti era proprio quello, era un progetto autofinanziato che quindi non era di tipo assistenzialistico come molti altri, si dice disponibile a ritirarlo votando un'atto di impegno a differenza di Masella e risponde al Sindaco "...devastante è che in tre anni un'ufficio pubblico non sia capace di dare una risposta ad un'istanza di un privato...", qui Nardi makes a deaf ear ...

As you pass the word to vote asks Mazzucco Avelli but denies it to him then the director comes out against the president, saying in a loud voice that needs to go away from that place, because it is not able to do his job, because it gives the word based on who asks him, according to the subject and based on who is the injured party, announced that will collect signatures to make sure that Avelli is dismissed .... how he's wrong ...

Councillor La Rocca asked him "not to do theater," as it is a certain time and are all tired of doing a little glimpse of 'skepticism of the commitment that will make Mazzucco thereof to Avelli ...

Moves to vote in favor Acanfora and Masella, Nardi, Di Mauro, D. Mazzucco and Pietricola abstentions against all the other ...

8. Implementation cycle path along the Via mile post 58. Motion submitted by Councillor John peaches.

a formality is approved the act of commitment to achieving the bike path unanimously ... But who knows if life will ever seen the coffers of the town wan ....

9. Educational assistance to disabled people and safeguard employment levels of workers employed former LSU - Approval of agenda. Proposal submitted by the Group Board
The Mayor proposes to postpone the difficult item on the agenda that promises to battle if discussed what is working to resolve the position of these workers maintain employment ...

Bernardi calls for a suspension of 5 minutes to deal with his band, then returned to the classroom and communicate to consent to the court noting the words of Mayor ...

Mazzucco then vehemently railed against the Rock: "See this, what happened in here with opposition withdrawing an item in exchange for a sweetener is the theater of politics, nothing else"

The meeting broke up .. .

Note that even when one speaks of "him" the director Alfredo Lauretti can now afford to be absent because it already has all the "men in his room buttons "....

We can conclude that you can not make a theater in Terracina not free, but our politicians give a lot of scenes there ... even though many times it comes to comedy to Terracina Trash .. PS ..

indicated below the representative's of the CAST and the cultural association "Rohan" Paul D'Amico on the implications of the motion brought to the Board that they were concerned:

"I understand that and I thank the Mayor certainly loves me, of course are a poor city ... I note that once again in Terracina is not a place for culture and the theater, I just hope at the moment ... Now look great and the Pharaonic project will give us the mayor and his council, we play our part to bring culture to Terracina we did it ... "Paul D'Amico

PPS: about the company will soon release a special service that will provide the town of Terracina for the provision of social services in an interview with Francesco Zicchieri alderman that will clarify the point of view of ....

Fulvio Carocci
Teracina Raised


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