Friday, October 23, 2009

Using Hemp Oil To Bakeruin The Value Of Omega

Commissione Affari generali ed istituzionali

The 21 cm is The Commission held that the object was about the possibility of sponsorship by local businesses, on local sites and sites such as, for example, the ability to create traffic island flower beds, as we can see many in Latin (not copy be so hard).

We Raised Terracina we certainly welcome the creation of these roundabouts, and we believe will be beneficial also the entire City Council. From what we could imagine we have some misgivings, however, indeed, certainty, on both the sponsorship banners and anything else of historical monuments such as the Capitol, as an example in committee, and also to fatto che l’amministrazione voglia fare cassa con tale iniziativa.

Noi crediamo che pur di avere tali aiuole, che snelliscano il traffico ed abbelliscano la città, sia sufficiente che l’impresa si accolli l’impegno di mantenere sempre ben curata, pena lo scioglimento del contratto, l’aiuola. Perché non vorremmo che un’impresa si ritrovi a pubblicizzare un’ aiuola con sterpaglia secca e piena d’immondizia (vedi l’aiuola davanti alla chiesa di S.Domenico Savio).

Ma torniamo alla Commissione, che è stata ricca di episodi importanti.

Sicuramente un episodio importante è il fatto che nessuno dell’opposizione fosse presente. Opposizione che, among others, had submitted the amendments. What is worth noting is the fact that an advisor to the opposition, contacted by telephone, has candidly admitted that he had forgotten the Committee. Inconceivable and unacceptable!

However, considering the goodness of the initiative, the committee has, however, expressed their support to all amendments and also opposition to the amendment (in the absence of the opposition ....).

were heard the opinions of its members and the other directors present.

Deputy Mayor Lauretti said, as always, they agree with the statements made by his colleagues, the same adviser Lauretti L.; and finally to point out the intervention of the Acanfora who, ns. opinion, gave birth to a very singular proposal. He asked that any company that sponsors can use the bed, one day a year to set up a "showroom" on the same pitch !?!?!

Councillor Ferrari was a little 'thrilled, it was then juggling with experience postponing the proposal to its production activities. In fact, we tried to think how to set up a showroom in a flowerbed in the middle of traffic. What if a dairy sponsor a flower bed? Would lead to milk buffaloes ? And if the porn shop was located near the Pontine? You know that traffic ... ..

These improvements will be made that, if passed in the Council, to urban city. Street furniture which by the way we knew it was not delegate to any Councillor. This is a demonstration of how to scrub the first national urban design.

On this occasion, the Committee to complete, we managed to snatch the Councillor Ferrari promise that you will create a special commission to approve a ban on posting signs (for sale / rent) and posters (discos / wedding announcements, etc. ) squatters on public space.

Another promise memorable day, is the parent company PDL Golfieri that will promote the ns. also proposed to resume the meetings of the Boards.
Even if after two months of the request for permission to proceed with the City Council yet there is not even given the answer.

But as always ... that's another story.

Terracina Raised


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