Monday, October 12, 2009

Taking My Rabbit On Vacation

Convocazione Consiglio Comunale di Terracina per il 26 e 27 Ottobre

City Council was convened in extraordinary session for Monday, October 26, 2009 at 18:30 to address the following agenda.

1. And ask questions.
2. MOTION: Remove air cleaner Hermada Borgo. Signed by: Roberto Pietricola, Cicero and Angelo Masullo John.
3. MOTION: Establishment of a weekly market in Borgo Hermada. Signed by Mazzucco A. Edis.
4. MOTION: Publish online documents posted on the Administration and authorize praetorian - those who request it-shooting board meetings for publication on the internet. Signed Gino Di Mauro.
5. Promotion Initiative: State, County, City of Terracina to identify and remove the causes of pollution of our ocean. Request of the Board
PD 6. Council of Ethnic Groups. Article 34 of the municipal statute. Provision Regulation for the establishment and operation of the Council of Ethnic Groups. Proposed resolution presented by the Group Board
PD 7. Commission Regulations. Appointment component representing the PDL group.
8. Recomposition of the Permanent Council Commissions.
9. Letter written by the Mayor to several mayors in the province of Latina and other municipalities with respect to the motives with which they are asked to leave Acqualatina. Request of the Board P.D.

Il Consiglio comunale è stato convocato in seduta straordinaria per martedì 27 ottobre 2009 alle ore 18.30 per trattare il seguente ordine del giorno.

1. Integrazione tav. 1 Relazione – norme tecniche e tav. 9 Planimetria di progetto del P.P.E. "Centro storico in declivio e pianura – Area archeologica portuale approvato con deliberazione della Regione Lazio n.2163 del 28.04.1980. Parcheggio in località "Montuno" e Via Manzoni. Variante urbanistica ai sensi dell'art. 1 – comma 1, lettera d) della L.R. 02.7.1987, n.36.
2. Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive (SUAP) Decreto Legislativo 31.03.1998 n.112 – DPR 20.10.1998 n.447 – DPR 07.12.2000 n.440. Tourist accommodation - Loc Viale Europa - Business Soc F.lli sas Saviani Sergio and Simona Saviani. Variation of the PPE of the homogeneous zone C - 1 ° field. Exchange areas.
3. Regional Law No. 20 of 2.12.2008, Art. 8 - paragraph 1 - Expression of the desire to be part of a mountain community.
4. Discipline and management of sponsorships and partnerships. Approval Regulation.
5. Regulatory approval for the construction and management of parking areas for public use and private parking areas transferred from private to public administration.
6. Request for change of use under della'rt .12 L. n.1766/27 land on the sheet 45 BT line affected by the construction of underground cable in the Santo Stefano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
7. Request for change of use under article 12 of L. n.1766/27 on land affected by the construction of the sheet 41 line BT underground cable locations Camposoriano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
8. Request for change of use under article 12 of L. n.1766/27 land on the sheet 22:23 BT line affected by the construction of underground cable in place Camposoriano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
9. Alienation of land use built house, Lazio n.1/86 Act, as amended by Law and n.11/2005 n.6/2005 Lazio Region. Company: Best Roberta.

10. Integration with the Technical Regulations for Implementation of PRG - Zone Natural Park (mountain area).

Such irons in the fire ...

Terracina Raised

PS the Board convened for October 19 has been postponed to October 20 at 18.30


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