Monday, October 5, 2009

Project Report On Garment Manufecturing

Più Trasparenza negli atti del comune di Terracina

In Our common nothing is transparent, even sea water, let alone the political acts that create ...

A citizen who wants to affect policy in its path extremely difficult to find documents and board resolutions and the junta. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to even find out about dates and items to the agenda of public meetings as the board's committees, hall of debate in the council.

Our group has been fighting for some time because the Administration uses the site's information for disseminating this information, we try to give our blog all the news that we find the following institutional events, for months we conduct a battle to be allowed to film the meetings of the full council on the Web and share them with all citizens Terracina, thus covering a lack of Our government does nothing about the political life of the city ...

For this last battle we are waiting for a response to the request for authorization of the registered office of the presidency council Terracina, 6 August 2009, following the approval of Rules for the regulation of video recordings and the transmission of the meetings of the council . Given the concern of the President in giving an answer, we have renewed this request with another letter, registered 'September 8, 2009.

learned the content of the motion submitted by Councillor Di Mauro and asking un atto d'impegno proprio per realizzare queste cose non possiamo che approvarla, sperando che anche gli altri membri del consiglio capiscano il senso e l'importanza di tale provvedimento e la votino per dare uno strumento di verità e trasparenza a tutta la cittadinanza.
Non ci sarebbe motivo di non rendere pubblici e più facilmente accessibili grazie alla rete tutti gli atti di giunta e consiglio, dettagliati di spese se non si ha nulla da nascondere, la nostra amministrazione ha qualcosa da nascondere?

Fulvio Carocci
Terracina Rialzati


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