Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mount And Blade Limit Hack


Qui di seguito il testo dell'intervento della Signora Enza Manzi in rappresentanza dell' Associazione Politico Culturale “Per Minori - Another thought " the day of action held at the Port of Maiori, Saturday, May 22, 2010, against the weakening of the Hospital of Castiglione di Ravello on the Amalfi Coast.
"... First of all, thank you, on behalf of the Association which I represent, the European Health Pro Costa d'Amalfi, which gives us the opportunity to participate in this day and to express our dissent at a time rather difficult for the life of our community in a time when it would seem that the secret of success is the rationalization of everything in the public sector. It
rationalize operations, with the result that the train derailment is rationalizing the public school, forgetting the right to education, it rationalizes health ', forgetting another sacred and fundamental right: the right to health.
Why do not you come and say that a hospital beyond the Coast can offer the people of this land the right to survival; you think about it a heart attack who needs to work fast, and then the images infarcted person, forced to follow the Divine, which in this case would become hell, before arriving at the hospital that could accept it.
And I can think about it, the Nobel Prize poet Salvatore Quasimodo, who 42 years ago June 14, 1968 came a Napoli già morto dopo essersi sentito male proprio ad Amalfi.
Sarebbe stata la stessa cosa se Quasimodo e tanti altri meno noti, parenti amici, ospiti e concittadini avessero trovato lungo la loro odissea il Presidio Ospedaliero di Castiglione?
Riteniamo che le esigenze della popolazione della Costiera non sono sacrificabili alla cosiddetta razionalizzazione che si traduce in tagli sciagurati in ogni settore della vita pubblica.
Ci pare che la cosi’ detta razionalizzazione non sia altro che un’arma usata per distruggere tutto quello che c'è’ ancora di pubblico, quel settore pubblico che dovrebbe garantire e tutelare i diritti costituzionali.
Crediamo, invece, che le esigenze della popolazione della Costiera Amalfitana are not expendable, and the necessary reorganization can not be separated from considerations related to the particular shape of the land and roads, much less viable at certain times of the year, traffic congestion, for fires and landslides.
The presence of the garrison also qualifies the tourist offer of the territory, which as we all know, lives or should live on tourism.
The Hospital is not only the building, but it is a team of qualified and trained professionally appropriate to the particular local context, which must never be lost.
of us, directly or indirectly, has had first hand the good quality of provided by these operators, which deserve our praise and our gratitude.
It is, therefore, of vital importance in maintaining this structure of the services of anesthesia and intensive care, radiology, laboratory emergency surgery and internal medicine. A
Castiglione can diagnose an acute abdomen, a vascular accident celebrate as well as a heart attack and begin to treat these diseases in the famous "Golden Hour".
You can manage respiratory failure, stabilize, for example, a trauma patient, but also a trivial wound suture, to create a new life, as recently happened, without resorting to a hospital is difficult reached.
summary in Amalfi you can be treated in an appropriate manner and shall permit a savings for the community.

For all these reasons, the Association of Cultural Policy "PerMinori - another thought," believes in the Hospital of Castiglione is here to defend and strengthen its presence in the area.
We believe so much that is here with an impassioned plea to urge all citizens of the Coast to mobilize to defend one of the few functioning and essential for the territory. Invite
addition, the auditors, by law, the first defenders of the health of our community to meet the demands of citizens and of this territory.
We hope that they are all here together this morning to show us and ask who he was absent any of us does not explain to us but to all citizens of the Coast deserted why such an 'important day of action.
We urge all citizens to make the first group to protect the interests of the communities they represent, and concludes that the level of civilization of a community is measured by the attention it pays to the sick, the elderly, children, protection of all those who are the weakest. "

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Congratulations To Write On Arrival Of A New Baby


" Every coast con le sue stelle classificato come gli alberghi (…) Si parte dalle 4 stelle assegnate all’acqua “eccellente”(...)Fino a scendere di livello, a quello “scarso” con una sola stella: solo qui non ci si potrà tuffare (…) dal primo Aprile scorso il decreto (D.Lgs. 116/2008 e succ.) obbliga le Regioni a stilare la tabella di categoria delle spiagge(…) il decreto prevede che oltre alla classificazione il Comune si faccia carico di adottare le misure per eliminare le cause, e se i divieti di balneazione dovessero ripetersi per cinque anni quel tratto di costa diventerebbe permanentemente interdetto ai bagnati.” (da “Un voto ai mari italiani in spiaggia arriva la pagella” , La Repubblica, May 11, 2010)

The adverse opinion on the state of our waters, for the year 2010 was issued by the Campania Region based on data provided by ARPA Campania BURC and published in No. 10 of February 1 2010.

This has become for too many years, unfortunately, a fixture every summer. Honestly, we know that the current administration has been able to deal with the problem sea long enough, even if we would have expected, in this first year of government, more attention, or at least the same given to other issues. At least in future you can make an Arena Sea ..... Neat!

At this time, in the light of that order, what concerns us are the consequences of a repeat of the adverse opinion in the coming years.

Something must be done. Together. All. Now!

We hope that it will be the desire of the Mayor, who had just been elected, with the summer approaching, mindful of the problems often reported from the opposition benches, he declared that he would do anything to make another Minor ' BLUE FLAG 'of the Amalfi Coast. (Positanonews, July 7, 2009)
commercial tour operators and they would be happy, because the sea would again be the real driving force of the economy, so all minores because it would have raised the proper attention to the protection of our health and the ' environment.

FOR MINORS on such a sensitive subject feels the need for a collaborative position, free from prejudices of a party, pure stimulus.
is necessary to address the problem without putting our heads in the sand, paddling in the same direction .... But these things are not to alarm but to inform and to determine, each in its role, policies and actions shared.
Here are some things you could do:
• carrying out a review of the lawfulness of all entries in the sewer in the town of Minori,
• engaging in meaningful action on the town of Ravello to solve the problem of sewage in the sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara, also agreeing and organizing events of strong public protest,
• request a review of the lawfulness of the discharges of the villas on the coast of Ravello
• Ask controls related to the sewage into our river, both of which dwellings of farming elder in the town of Ravello, which determine the negative results of samples taken at the mouth of Reghinna Minor, frustrating the noble intentions of the Administration to reach the vaunted 'Blue Flag',
• formalize a request for analysis on all'Arpac ' full path to the Minor Reghinna to ascertain the health of our river. Also inhibit strong actions with the sewage into the river from neighboring countries,
• activating, by a communication campaign of the Department on the operations undertaken, data analysis and advertising, in the name of transparency, the data from periodic monitoring and sorpattutto to support the country's tourism image, the desired improvements
• acquire the study of marine currents have already made in previous years,
• enable monitoring of industrial discharges that could adversely affect water quality, especially in light of the legislation before mentioned
• drawing up a draft organic cleaner surfed with Maiori and Ravello
• consider an improvement of the sewage treatment of children or integrated into the project the district,
• create a figure of reference for this technical problem, a "Department of the sea and beaches."

We believe it is the responsibility of the Administration to inform the citizens of the state of the activities already undertaken and to be undertaken and are hoping for a peaceful confrontation on these issues.

Minor, May 18, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Labeled Parts Of The Inside Car

Passion ...

It 's true that when a thing like you do with passion , the you enjoy doing, with a pleasure that overwhelms you and makes you realize that the most important things in life are few, but they are the most important. We have many feelings that overwhelm us every day and every day.

We speak of love, joy, friendship, loyalty and over time we realize that these feelings are highly interconnected, it is precisely the time that is behind everything.

In reality, these are just a few of the strongest feelings.

The real pleasures of life are few, are overwhelming and are unique.

for me to create is one of those pleasures I hope to convey to my child to be born in July.


Is true that when a thing you do with passion , do with pleasure that overwhelms you and makes you realize that the most important things in life are few, but the most important.

We have many feelings that overwhelm us every day and more every day.

We speak of love, joy, friendship, loyalty and over time we realize that these feelings are highly interconnected, it is precisely the time that is behind everything.

In reality, these are just a few, are overwhelming, are unique.

For me creating is such a pleasure and I hope to convey all to my daugther to be born in July.

Is Dcis Cancer Hereditary


will be held in Minori in Amalfi Coast Sunday 9 Maggio la raccolta firme per i 3 referendum per l’acqua pubblica, promossa dal Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua , e sostenuta sul territorio dall' Associazione politico culturale PerMinori – un altro pensiero .
L'obbiettivo che si prefigge il referendum è quello di fermare la privatizzazione dell’acqua.
Il Decreto Ronchi del novembre 2009 infatti prevede che la gestione dei servizi pubblici locali sia conferita "in via ordinaria" attraverso gare pubbliche e la gestione in house consentita soltanto in deroga e «per situazioni eccezionali». Questa formulazione, apre la strada alle privatizzazioni, not making municipalities responsible for local public entities of common property, but owners in a logic of private interests.
There are three questions referred to the Constitutional Court, which will be the subject of the petition, with the aim of arriving at an altitude of 500,000 that the referendum can take place:

- The first proposes the repeal of Article 23 bis of Law No. . 133/2008 as amended by the recent decree that requires the joint development of the race management of water resources;
- the second to the repeal of Article 150 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 to prevent the use of tenders and award of the management of water companies facilitating its management of capital through public bodies with the participation of citizens and local communities
- the third proposes the repeal of Article 154 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 relation to the amount of 7% return on invested capital, eliminating the possibility of making profits on the water.

The water is not a market but a right for all.

"With regard to water rights, it should be noted also that this is a right that has its basis in human dignity. From this perspective, we must carefully examine the attitudes of those who consider and treat water only as an economic good. "
are no allegations of an opposition politician or one of the initiators of the referendum questions. The warning is of Pope Benedict XVI
It 's true that the public management of water has shown over the years a number of limitations, structural, related to the difficult relationship between territory and bureaucracy. It 's true about the lack of investment and lack of maintenance of water supply.
delivery for individual there is no certainty that the situation improves, but runs the risk of seeing increased rates and reduced investment, a choice she paid a high price from the underprivileged classes.
Water, as the landscape, the environment, health, common goods are directly protected by the Constitution (art. 9 and 32), and interest in the conservation and utilization of these assets can not be just a few.
Association PerMinori was immediately echoed in the territory of these fundamental issues of citizens, who must see their rights protected. Although at this time the local authorities do not seem interested in moving to a privatized management, we need to pressure from below, with a great civic duty, because they can not be implemented as a Minor in the Amalfi Coast.
Indeed, our particular interest is that the directors give a loud and clear on this situation locally and nationally, coming from citizens, to sign on the question of the referendum, and then waking up at each location, primarily in the municipal councils, strongly reaffirmed the desire not to privatize, because the water belongs to everyone, and to invest more resources to improving the service to avoid waste, and offer fair rates.

All information on the referendum and the campaign against the privatization of the site

Next Used Car Auctionin Nb


Statte silent cà mo tho account
Nei loro piani c'era una città ideale, nelle loro parole era un progetto facile, da realizzare rapidamente: nei primi 100 giorni grandi cambiamenti, nei secondi 100 notevoli progressi, e negli ulteriori 100 avrebbero messo le ali alle loro idee....ed invece oltre al solito "spartito", suonato dal solito "eletto", nulla è accaduto.
Le problematiche quotidiane sono sempre in attesa di risposte.
Corso aperto? Corso chiuso? A noi sembra aperto nonostante sia chiuso. Carico e scarico merci e sosta selvaggia ad ogni ora. I fastidiosi transiti notturni di tir sono ora diventati anche diurni. Rumore e assenza di controllo.
Piano parcheggi? Questo sconosciuto, come l'Assessore Esterno all'Agricoltura....lo sapevate che ne abbiamo uno?
Intanto una fulgida mente pensante ha elaborato il riordino del mercato settimanale. Risultato: mercato compresso con disagio dei cittadini, diminuzione dell'offerta, meno introiti alle casse comunali e assenza di posti auto nel momento di maggior esigenza. Il Giovedì, visto che di teatro si tratta, va di scena la confusione. E le barche dove le metto? Al solito posto delle auto, in attesa di scavi in roccia o di ardui parcheggi sottomarini (scusateci il gioco di parole).
Il pulmino ora c'è ma viaggia desolatamente vuoto senza che nessuno si chieda il perché? We wonder why even those who made it a personal battle still prefer to travel by car.
In the city clean is not a real priority. In fact you mend the roads and streets only during the Festival (event extraordinary gentle flower pots, blooming in winter, to emphasize the path of noble guests, for us mere minores, until the day of the big event, the dry earth, branches dried and cigarette butts!). This is not a deep cleansing, but the façade of representation, obtained by hiding the dust under the carpet. Only a short walk dallla fresh paint, where it will not be no friend of the Mayor Importane, but only citizens residents, nothing. For example, try to keep the balance across the street who walk our children to go to school, the Media, the marquees, the Auditorium (Bottegone) of the arts ... they are still falling in ditches, and someone in ridiculous. And then more difficult, try it if it rains!
the transparency of the glass building we want to talk about? He made the condensate! While awaiting the wavers and repeatedly announced public debate, we wonder what happened to the open and continuous dialogue with the citizens of participatory democracy. PerMinori Association of Cultural Policy, expected to resolutions and determines expenditure required to be delivered, in accordance with our rights active citizens and informed. Meanwhile, while we organize conferences on new technologies to serve the citizens and transparency, communication, municipal camping site on the beloved nothing.
At night you dig in the morning close, then reopen it, while looking for the right slope spend public money .... I envy of others!
short, the routine of daily life, one that affects citizens, not interested in this council that is focusing its efforts only on other objectives, but in the meantime .... citizens are tired of having only one country in celebration!
And the economy, unfortunately, rears, the Movida not heavy enough!
And waiting for the Easter, Christmas lighting mindful, we will have 90,000 good reasons for concern to see who will eat the casatiello, as tradition commands, without even leaving the crumbs to the country. Passion.
Minor March 8, 2010
PS There being no public space until April 14 ..... about transparency and freedom of expression, we are publishing this manifesto in areas not reserved. We apologize.