Friday, May 7, 2010

Is Dcis Cancer Hereditary


will be held in Minori in Amalfi Coast Sunday 9 Maggio la raccolta firme per i 3 referendum per l’acqua pubblica, promossa dal Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua , e sostenuta sul territorio dall' Associazione politico culturale PerMinori – un altro pensiero .
L'obbiettivo che si prefigge il referendum รจ quello di fermare la privatizzazione dell’acqua.
Il Decreto Ronchi del novembre 2009 infatti prevede che la gestione dei servizi pubblici locali sia conferita "in via ordinaria" attraverso gare pubbliche e la gestione in house consentita soltanto in deroga e «per situazioni eccezionali». Questa formulazione, apre la strada alle privatizzazioni, not making municipalities responsible for local public entities of common property, but owners in a logic of private interests.
There are three questions referred to the Constitutional Court, which will be the subject of the petition, with the aim of arriving at an altitude of 500,000 that the referendum can take place:

- The first proposes the repeal of Article 23 bis of Law No. . 133/2008 as amended by the recent decree that requires the joint development of the race management of water resources;
- the second to the repeal of Article 150 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 to prevent the use of tenders and award of the management of water companies facilitating its management of capital through public bodies with the participation of citizens and local communities
- the third proposes the repeal of Article 154 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 relation to the amount of 7% return on invested capital, eliminating the possibility of making profits on the water.

The water is not a market but a right for all.

"With regard to water rights, it should be noted also that this is a right that has its basis in human dignity. From this perspective, we must carefully examine the attitudes of those who consider and treat water only as an economic good. "
are no allegations of an opposition politician or one of the initiators of the referendum questions. The warning is of Pope Benedict XVI
It 's true that the public management of water has shown over the years a number of limitations, structural, related to the difficult relationship between territory and bureaucracy. It 's true about the lack of investment and lack of maintenance of water supply.
delivery for individual there is no certainty that the situation improves, but runs the risk of seeing increased rates and reduced investment, a choice she paid a high price from the underprivileged classes.
Water, as the landscape, the environment, health, common goods are directly protected by the Constitution (art. 9 and 32), and interest in the conservation and utilization of these assets can not be just a few.
Association PerMinori was immediately echoed in the territory of these fundamental issues of citizens, who must see their rights protected. Although at this time the local authorities do not seem interested in moving to a privatized management, we need to pressure from below, with a great civic duty, because they can not be implemented as a Minor in the Amalfi Coast.
Indeed, our particular interest is that the directors give a loud and clear on this situation locally and nationally, coming from citizens, to sign on the question of the referendum, and then waking up at each location, primarily in the municipal councils, strongly reaffirmed the desire not to privatize, because the water belongs to everyone, and to invest more resources to improving the service to avoid waste, and offer fair rates.

All information on the referendum and the campaign against the privatization of the site


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