Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What Is Application Paper



Finally we come to the end of this painful series of city councils ...
the session begins at 10:35 am with 20 members present.

It starts immediately with a motion made by PD ^ port of Terracina area that calls for the commitment of the mayor and the council to extend the service of rehabilitation and cleaning of the entire area and the cliffs by the Coop. Social Wings of the Phoenix.

A request made simple in this classroom has the power to become the most complicated thing in the world enough to unleash an endless series of actions ...

in a few words that coop. until recently was in charge of cleaning the port area and the cliffs after winning a regular race. At the end of the concession of the same employees continued until December 2008 in their work, even senza percepire alcuno stipendio, nell'attesa che il comune con un'altro bando di gara decidesse a chi assegnare lo svolgimento del lavoro. Non ricevendo alcuna risposta chiaramente il servizio è stato interrotto ed è così che sono la bellezza di 8 mesi che la zona versa nel degrado più totale poichè nessuno ritiene di avere competenza in merito, e la Terracina Ambiente, che dice che nel capitolato d'appalto la zona non è di sua competenza, e l'amministrazione che nelle parole del sindaco "NON SI SENTE LA COLF DI NESSUNO E NON INTENDE SPRECARE SOLDI PER QUESTO SERVIZIO....ALLA PULIZIA CI PENSASSERO GLI OPERATORI TURISTICI CHE NE USUFRUISCONO".

A questo punto dobbiamo chiarire una cosa molto importante: per la pulizia della port area the Lazio region covers 90% of expenditure and the council should support only the remaining 10% ...

illustration Bernardi calls the leader of restoring the cleaning service by extending the coop. The Wings of the Phoenix the contract until the new tender (all!) As it's usually nothing more!

But this request seems to trigger a desire for action of all ....

part Percoche saying that lies partly in agreement with the mayor but reaffirms the region's economic intervention that somehow raises the weight more common, it says so in favor of the motion.

Maragoni follows (which is increasingly unnecessary interventions, inappropriate and inconsistent enough that they are in line with what it says your Lord-Mayor) saying that the cleaning of the area must ensure that the tourism industry of the docks because they are the only ones to gain (?)

yet another intervention that Once Di Mauro in favor of the motion and explained that everywhere and always waiting for a new invitation to tender the service is extended to the company that held so far.

then intervenes Pietricola Dominic, who perhaps had not initially understood the content of the motion and said that he opposes then thanks to an intervention clarifier Zappone is convinced.

With the assistance of Dominic Zappone certainly could not miss a small curtain of the mayor who accuses him of "to be dated and a person that what he says is not the Bible ".... goes well I if not a little insulting to the poor professor Stephen is sick!

continue with the long string of actions .... it's time for ... Mazzucco favor Giuliani and even Cicerano .... almost everyone wanted to participate in short ...

after the various allegations in the motion to prefer this coop. others, spoke Gino Di Mauro puts all agree that suggesting an amendment to the motion: to remove the name of the cooperative and continue cleaning up the new tender ... now look forward to knowing who actually proceed to cleaning .... maybe our mayor maid??

However with the change in voting unanimously in favor! and we wanted so much?!? Well

should go forward with this long and exhausting day ...

Court of Terracina: 1) Motion submitted by Councillor Mazzucco, 2) Agenda submitted by the PD group, and 3) Request for insertion point to the agenda by Councillor Masella.

illustrates the point Councillor Coccia explains that the opportunity and the risk of the closure of the court of Terracina and merging with that of Latin America due to the reduction of personnel of the registry.

Again all agreed to fight to make sure that this does not happen and Mazzucco proposes a "municipal PowerTip" among the several municipalities to join forces ... the president, "Morpheus" is said to favor Avelli perhaps to involve neighboring communities and invite them to discuss the problem in their city councils and then make a table with the various mayors and fight together for this common cause .... seems like a good idea!

vote all in favor ...

Terracina At Roberta Raised

PS short the second part of the board ..... entitled "THE THEATRE OF POLICY ".....


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