Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Littlest Pet Shop Internetes Kód

Nuovo Portale Terracina Rialzati







Friday, October 23, 2009

Using Hemp Oil To Bakeruin The Value Of Omega

Commissione Affari generali ed istituzionali

The 21 cm is The Commission held that the object was about the possibility of sponsorship by local businesses, on local sites and sites such as, for example, the ability to create traffic island flower beds, as we can see many in Latin (not copy be so hard).

We Raised Terracina we certainly welcome the creation of these roundabouts, and we believe will be beneficial also the entire City Council. From what we could imagine we have some misgivings, however, indeed, certainty, on both the sponsorship banners and anything else of historical monuments such as the Capitol, as an example in committee, and also to fatto che l’amministrazione voglia fare cassa con tale iniziativa.

Noi crediamo che pur di avere tali aiuole, che snelliscano il traffico ed abbelliscano la città, sia sufficiente che l’impresa si accolli l’impegno di mantenere sempre ben curata, pena lo scioglimento del contratto, l’aiuola. Perché non vorremmo che un’impresa si ritrovi a pubblicizzare un’ aiuola con sterpaglia secca e piena d’immondizia (vedi l’aiuola davanti alla chiesa di S.Domenico Savio).

Ma torniamo alla Commissione, che è stata ricca di episodi importanti.

Sicuramente un episodio importante è il fatto che nessuno dell’opposizione fosse presente. Opposizione che, among others, had submitted the amendments. What is worth noting is the fact that an advisor to the opposition, contacted by telephone, has candidly admitted that he had forgotten the Committee. Inconceivable and unacceptable!

However, considering the goodness of the initiative, the committee has, however, expressed their support to all amendments and also opposition to the amendment (in the absence of the opposition ....).

were heard the opinions of its members and the other directors present.

Deputy Mayor Lauretti said, as always, they agree with the statements made by his colleagues, the same adviser Lauretti L.; and finally to point out the intervention of the Acanfora who, ns. opinion, gave birth to a very singular proposal. He asked that any company that sponsors can use the bed, one day a year to set up a "showroom" on the same pitch !?!?!

Councillor Ferrari was a little 'thrilled, it was then juggling with experience postponing the proposal to its production activities. In fact, we tried to think how to set up a showroom in a flowerbed in the middle of traffic. What if a dairy sponsor a flower bed? Would lead to milk buffaloes ? And if the porn shop was located near the Pontine? You know that traffic ... ..

These improvements will be made that, if passed in the Council, to urban city. Street furniture which by the way we knew it was not delegate to any Councillor. This is a demonstration of how to scrub the first national urban design.

On this occasion, the Committee to complete, we managed to snatch the Councillor Ferrari promise that you will create a special commission to approve a ban on posting signs (for sale / rent) and posters (discos / wedding announcements, etc. ) squatters on public space.

Another promise memorable day, is the parent company PDL Golfieri that will promote the ns. also proposed to resume the meetings of the Boards.
Even if after two months of the request for permission to proceed with the City Council yet there is not even given the answer.

But as always ... that's another story.

Terracina Raised

Sample Wedding Invitations 2010


October 20, 2009. Approval of balance-sheet 2008.

now the City Council no longer needed ... I, honestly, would limit the session of the votes with the mere presence of a majority of the directors, the junta and the Mayor. So now to the town of Terracina is approved everything! Why waste more time and voice to explain anomalies, inconsistencies and lack of a budget, consider imagination is an understatement!?

In a swirl of numbers, claims on the one hand, enhanced the other, backed by ghostly Auditors (appointed by the same majority ed) which was probably the most incriminating hidden all the necessary documentation for their work, it seemed to attend the trials of a new school play, the end of which, unfortunately, can only be as bad for us to find ourselves finally and inexorably to the ground.

not I want to bore you with the details of a budget in which the only material items, but which do not put your hand on the fire, are the 77 million euro of residual assets (loans receivable, of which 54 related to prior years even up to 1993 and so bad now) and 44 million of arrears (debts to be paid, in which, however, still seem not to appear that derived from the latest lost causes, such as those towards the SLIA).

The financial distress, repeated his opposition, is almost upon us it is impossible to maintain essential services, but more with his hand under the chair, proceed with superstitious gestures in common use (a doubt will have something to scratch ? If so, why keep them hidden forever?)

The initial exposure of the mayor is truly the stuff of tears ...

The absolute denial of the evidence, two things are, or is a person who is the Mayor of Terracina and has lived in Saint - Vincent, or has developed a conception of reality all its own ...
His speech is usually treated macroeconomics imbued with a sense of the surreal that makes us think that all you except talk of our town ...
When we hear that ".. we face with confidence the current expenses ...." ".... that we have a deficit of only € 930,000 ... " ".... that will make roads, parking and more ... " we wonder makes us, us or both?

Taken together, the only action of note are those of the opposition that, in people and Di Mauro Coccia, maybe they tried to give a more technical explanation of everything that did not make realistic illusion of the document received by the majority, at least a sign that did hope for a new awareness and an act of responsibility towards the citizens.
But first things first because a record is a chronicle and therefore there will be no omission in the description of the interventions.

Party leader of the PD. This emphasizes that it is primarily the delay with which we come to discuss the document because of various shortcomings of the administration and the consequent difficulty of auditors. Bernardi's intervention ends with the laconic statement that it is a BUDGET IN DAMAGE triggering the reaction of Nardi replied, smiling: "We do not declare the bankruptcy, put the soul at peace!"

The second intervention is Mazzucco, who has now assumed the official role of the snake within the PDL. But he turns directly to the auditors who feels responsible for not being able to make ends meet ... the director, literally "unable to trigger the silencer to his brain," is not explained how it is possible the increase of waste and passive calls a review to the Attorney General of the Court of Auditors. For this is immediately calmed by the town clerk and inform him that the documents will be sent automatically and by law for the control.

intervention Di Mauro is the first more technical and highlights the various anomalies in the accounting point of view and emphasizes the cleaver of the injunctions. Also asks the administration more sensitive to local entrepreneurs in recent times because they are pretty obvious difficulties in the field of social services, construction and trade, which now seem all but in the hands of entrepreneurs from Campania (weird is that? ? also the fruit of our imagination, Mr. Mayor?)

it comes to peaches. For him, the UDC, who now speaks as the Magician Otelma, everything is the fault of the machinery of the municipal offices is not working, "sweating" of employees who do not or do not do their job well. Then he begins to remember the various policy measures implemented during the period when he was president of the council, a Plan Santoro on all that, we would stress, he did not share (and probably cost him his place but this is our affected staff ... maybe he has not completely digested).

At this point a strange episode ... and the City Council is colored in yellow ... the yellow of the filming! Lazio TV arrived at 21:05 and start again (will be sent 5 minutes before a fax to the face of our request that goes out from 3 months !!!!) Morfeo Avella, as usual, falls from the clouds and, visibly embarrassed timidly asks the identity of the mysterious man with a camera on his shoulder (though perhaps really surprised since the guy had only ever seen him do the ice cream!) merely a <> (apologies?!? but what?!?)

Giuliani simply say that it will vote in favor of a Budget unclear.

comes the turn of the newly elected leader of the PDL (here we want to recall an episode long ago Golfieri confidentially reported to us that they had made the biggest mistake of his fellow party leader to appoint him because From that moment on he would never have pulled back to challenge the administration ... we still we have not noticed this development).

Councillor begins with the request to the president to accelerate the approval to allow the filming for greater transparency as more and more often to get citizenship false or distorted, however, far from the truth (maybe it was burnt by some of our article? Maybe about the company special? Mha ....). He concludes, however, stating that the one presented is absolutely a BUDGET TRUTH '!

It 'time to Coccia explains in no uncertain terms that the real problem in this budget are DUE! Explains now implementing the various judgments that affect our town. Calls directly to the auditors that it is possible that there are reported as revenue of the sums resulting from orders to pay for the years 1993 to 2002 at least hope that the administration is anxious to stop prescribing them. After the long speech clarifier Coccia accused the mayor seems to have hit ...

But not last long ... the only stand up with the professor, Stephen already feel my blood boil ... As usual, to enliven the evening we think the star of the show, the usual arrogant, rude tee against his usual meek victim Dominic Zappone after warming up with Coccia he gets a nice quote "Foolish Lawyer"

Zappone, in the role of instigator, said that this budget shows that there is no way to meet even the essential services, makes up a nice "Vaffa .... " by Stefano in the role of our indomitable psychopath.

finished his work, the mayor takes the word and respond briefly to all. To our good fortune (or misfortune), the omniscient leader tee (his legendary "keynote" of politics and economics for large-scale international before the vote ... to bring his memories back in 1929 when he began the long period of economic crisis because of which we, but also all over the world, is still in combat) has already identified the perpetrators of this tragic situation and is already providing her with brave and emphatically declares: it's all the fault of the Municipal Executives and their subordinates who are far too long passive resistance! ! What a phenomenon! Who knows who appointed them or those who have made all these sloth?

Just a few minutes to midnight and the budget passes. Yes 11 No 18

But we wonder what else has to happen because these people realize that they have brought us to the pit and not content are continuing to dig ???!!!!!!

Terracina Raised

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lcd External Speakers

Stones ... Create

... These are called "daughters of terra" e da sempre affascinano l'essere umano che attribuisce ad esse particolari virtù, significati e poteri magici.

Spero che questo mio modo di accostare le pietre dure, possa dare energia a chi vorrà indossarle.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stroke, Obsessive Thoughts

Le forze dell’ordine sono al servizio del cittadino ?!?

The police service to the citizen. How many times have we read or heard that phrase? Many, of course. But is it true? A Terracina

we tested directly if it is so and, frankly, there came some doubts.

The occasion happened on the occasion of an article that appeared in the papers a month ago. We read that the Municipal Police Command was notified of the fines, which we think right, Circus Orfei because they had put up illegal billboards on many of the city's street lamps.

This episode has reminded us of what our candidates have been able at the last election. Campaign posters illegally posted everywhere so much so that some citizens, among whom we Terracina Raised, shown for the control of its own municipal police.

a result of these went on display in local newspapers on 21 May that the control of VVUU stated that it had issued fines for illegal posters to all these candidates uncivilized.

Therefore, reading the article about the Circus Orfei, we wondered "I wonder if the fines were paid by the campaign posters of these candidates?".

So, armed with paper and pen and invoking the law 241/90, which governs the transparency of the administrative documents of public bodies, we have registered in the Control of VVUU request to see how it was going to end with such fines.

The law governing the institution concerned may respond within 30 days of the request. If they do not respond, the person may apply to the TAR. In fact ... ... a month has passed and we have not received any response from the control of VVUU.

At this point, recalling the famous saying, the question arises. "But the police are or are not serving the citizens?".

receive no response we are led to "think the worst" (as said Andreotti "think the worst is not always beautiful but s'indovina), namely that these fines were never notified. Or, as we hope it is just other problems? We do not want to think that the command is not even deign to respond to its citizens.

These days, we read that if a U.S. citizen wishes to speak with the Deputy, Deputy repeat of his state may go to Washington at the Palace of Congress and request an audience with no formal procedure.

But that's another story ....

Terracina Raised

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mone Dos Jogadores Do Milan

is ...

... per me un sogno che si realizza in ogni composizione e in ogni bijoux.

Far scivolare le mani tra i materiali mi elettrizza e sò che questo entusiasmo mi accompagnerà in ogni momento perchè stò inseguendo la strada che mi fà sorridere il cuore.

E se voi che leggete avete voglia di condividere con me questa gioia lasciate pure un commento perchè tutto serve per crescere e migliorare.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Taking My Rabbit On Vacation

Convocazione Consiglio Comunale di Terracina per il 26 e 27 Ottobre

City Council was convened in extraordinary session for Monday, October 26, 2009 at 18:30 to address the following agenda.

1. And ask questions.
2. MOTION: Remove air cleaner Hermada Borgo. Signed by: Roberto Pietricola, Cicero and Angelo Masullo John.
3. MOTION: Establishment of a weekly market in Borgo Hermada. Signed by Mazzucco A. Edis.
4. MOTION: Publish online documents posted on the Administration and authorize praetorian - those who request it-shooting board meetings for publication on the internet. Signed Gino Di Mauro.
5. Promotion Initiative: State, County, City of Terracina to identify and remove the causes of pollution of our ocean. Request of the Board
PD 6. Council of Ethnic Groups. Article 34 of the municipal statute. Provision Regulation for the establishment and operation of the Council of Ethnic Groups. Proposed resolution presented by the Group Board
PD 7. Commission Regulations. Appointment component representing the PDL group.
8. Recomposition of the Permanent Council Commissions.
9. Letter written by the Mayor to several mayors in the province of Latina and other municipalities with respect to the motives with which they are asked to leave Acqualatina. Request of the Board P.D.

Il Consiglio comunale è stato convocato in seduta straordinaria per martedì 27 ottobre 2009 alle ore 18.30 per trattare il seguente ordine del giorno.

1. Integrazione tav. 1 Relazione – norme tecniche e tav. 9 Planimetria di progetto del P.P.E. "Centro storico in declivio e pianura – Area archeologica portuale approvato con deliberazione della Regione Lazio n.2163 del 28.04.1980. Parcheggio in località "Montuno" e Via Manzoni. Variante urbanistica ai sensi dell'art. 1 – comma 1, lettera d) della L.R. 02.7.1987, n.36.
2. Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive (SUAP) Decreto Legislativo 31.03.1998 n.112 – DPR 20.10.1998 n.447 – DPR 07.12.2000 n.440. Tourist accommodation - Loc Viale Europa - Business Soc F.lli sas Saviani Sergio and Simona Saviani. Variation of the PPE of the homogeneous zone C - 1 ° field. Exchange areas.
3. Regional Law No. 20 of 2.12.2008, Art. 8 - paragraph 1 - Expression of the desire to be part of a mountain community.
4. Discipline and management of sponsorships and partnerships. Approval Regulation.
5. Regulatory approval for the construction and management of parking areas for public use and private parking areas transferred from private to public administration.
6. Request for change of use under della'rt .12 L. n.1766/27 land on the sheet 45 BT line affected by the construction of underground cable in the Santo Stefano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
7. Request for change of use under article 12 of L. n.1766/27 on land affected by the construction of the sheet 41 line BT underground cable locations Camposoriano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
8. Request for change of use under article 12 of L. n.1766/27 land on the sheet 22:23 BT line affected by the construction of underground cable in place Camposoriano. Company: Enel Distribuzione SpA
9. Alienation of land use built house, Lazio n.1/86 Act, as amended by Law and n.11/2005 n.6/2005 Lazio Region. Company: Best Roberta.

10. Integration with the Technical Regulations for Implementation of PRG - Zone Natural Park (mountain area).

Such irons in the fire ...

Terracina Raised

PS the Board convened for October 19 has been postponed to October 20 at 18.30

Monday, October 5, 2009

Project Report On Garment Manufecturing

Più Trasparenza negli atti del comune di Terracina

In Our common nothing is transparent, even sea water, let alone the political acts that create ...

A citizen who wants to affect policy in its path extremely difficult to find documents and board resolutions and the junta. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to even find out about dates and items to the agenda of public meetings as the board's committees, hall of debate in the council.

Our group has been fighting for some time because the Administration uses the site's information for disseminating this information, we try to give our blog all the news that we find the following institutional events, for months we conduct a battle to be allowed to film the meetings of the full council on the Web and share them with all citizens Terracina, thus covering a lack of Our government does nothing about the political life of the city ...

For this last battle we are waiting for a response to the request for authorization of the registered office of the presidency council Terracina, 6 August 2009, following the approval of Rules for the regulation of video recordings and the transmission of the meetings of the council . Given the concern of the President in giving an answer, we have renewed this request with another letter, registered 'September 8, 2009.

learned the content of the motion submitted by Councillor Di Mauro and asking un atto d'impegno proprio per realizzare queste cose non possiamo che approvarla, sperando che anche gli altri membri del consiglio capiscano il senso e l'importanza di tale provvedimento e la votino per dare uno strumento di verità e trasparenza a tutta la cittadinanza.
Non ci sarebbe motivo di non rendere pubblici e più facilmente accessibili grazie alla rete tutti gli atti di giunta e consiglio, dettagliati di spese se non si ha nulla da nascondere, la nostra amministrazione ha qualcosa da nascondere?

Fulvio Carocci
Terracina Rialzati

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is Diazepam A White Pill

Convocato il consiglio comunale per il 20 Ottobre

City Council was convened in regular session on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, at 19 to treat the following order of business:

1. Financial statements 2008 financial year. Examination and approval.
2. Take note of the Secretary General's report on the verification of the implementation of programs, the year 2009.
3. Check budget balances. Financial year 2009. Determinations.

Topics of Interest ... accounts of the municipality of Terracina ... who knows not the first city council and put in full streaming video footage online ... keep you informed.

Terracina Rialzati