Consiglio Comunale del 2 Settembre 2009 - Incomprensioni, malafede e voti di scambio aleggiano sulla nascita della nuova Azienda Speciale di Terracina This evening we celebrated a new installment of the Special Terracina (official name, after the poisonous protest at the decision to dedicate it permanently to improper late Don Adriano Bragazzi), consumed in a packed council chamber but with the disappointing absence of the opposition (and PD Pact Terracina) decided that this way of expressing their dissent (the Democratic Party is reaching Piazza also an odd leaflet of protest). Among banal platitudes and qualunquistici article cuts to be set, we would like to analyze the topics discussed this evening with a scientifically detached tone, letting the emotions coming out again only to highlight an
left audience reaction.
The atmosphere was tense, but it was not a feeling, as you might expect, the genuine participation and hope for the fate of commendable work. A sort of camaraderie
claims animated comments and consents in the direction of some advisers to the mayor or incomprehensible winks. Doubt something beyond the CDA had already been established, and promised armored was confirmed in the reactions of angry
some operations of the social sector that did not appreciate the comments and protests against civil administration, and appeared immediately as the ultras
Zicchieri councilor.
without falling into useless controversy, we wonder why people need to sacrifice whole years and months for the sake of their jobs due to administrators certainly not brilliant, can still put their trust in the promises and guarantees of such unsavory characters? How can the ordinary citizen believe that those who administered first and made a huge hole in the coffers of the municipality, today with a magic wand can clean up everything and redo it from the toy? An administration unable to admit any responsibility in the recent instability can suddenly turn into a perfect machine organized? How can you not understand that a commitment to serious work based on granitic social guarantees put in writing? The incomprehensible
call for the reinstatement of the old workers do not create any doubt? Because it condemns those who try to figure it out?
mess is because of course, necessary that all actors in the drama are in harmony by the head of the special (which we are just forgotten to indicate sex), the directors and team leaders with heavy-family conflicts of interest, the assessors complacent, traders / operators guaranteed. Everyone, in short, it defends its own backyard, regardless of the fact that the lack of legality and honesty (intellectual and moral) is incompatible with any notion of long-term project ... The omelet
had already been prepared, the uniforms of the new company, were distributed before the creation: Dr. Friends and Councillor Palmacci already wearing (his shirt and jacket for her style in Hawaii), surely Golfieri (neo-parent PDL, welded old bill, signed by the mayor for the change of team at the dismissal of peaches) complain because he has not yet received ...
The discussion begins with a sort councilor - Child - Zicchieri sword that defends her baby was born because
as an administrator, does not agree to squander public money to keep alive the coop (but probably we can for quirinalizio the staff of the mayor!), and, as a good guarantor, assures that his colleagues
do not need to occupy the family or marriage, we are all here to do politics in a serious way ... (but were not those that in 2006, under the pontificate
Masci have recommended friends and family to a place as Interim spiaggine? But this is another story and, you know, the people have short memories or do you want it!)
to counteract the majority there is only Di Mauro, after the untimely death of Gianni peaches from the scene, also known as Pontius Pilate (after discussion of his motion was going on) and defections already listed. During the operation of the representative of the Greens, our first
fool thinks well of him ringing phone to disturb him, laughing uncontrollably and pleased (comment would be an insult to every attempt of an objective understanding of reality). However, we can be sure there is, there is, and with him all those sheep who let him, Morpheus Avelli in the first place.
stoically Di Mauro (from the altercation with Romano anthology Fantasia) reports that there are any discrepancies: Status poorly plagiarized from Viareggio, sewn and friends to make it to the director (though all deny it), costs that the CDA will be enormous opportunities of the company's debt, pledging that he will be transferred to municipal property with the risk of losing them, the statutes of which clashed with that of many points in common (eg possibility of functional separation of employees municipal status of the company, for what the town should be directly employed by it, do not conform art. 57 municipal statute of recruitment of the Director for direct call, etc...)
Masella There is also the time to make a quote of his: a step in the action, trying to be a defense a little 'shaky institution of this special company, compares the performance of the evening all' attack on Fort Apache ...
After the tale of a majority diligent and transparent told by the parent Golfieri, there is a replica of the mayor. Built on an unlikely Treaty of macroeconomics taken from an encyclopaedia, the first citizen of the ventures into an analysis of international politics completely off topic so much that when it focuses axis of the Pacific between the U.S. and China , a well-known local character sitting in the audience burst out like this: Huhm ... and tea to make war ja ... After announcing the dismissal of the chief accountant for the crime Maragoni municipal salaries arrived late, which ensures this week will be paid in cash because there are more than € 1 million (paid by the Region and Equitalia and maybe that would be used for anything else? ), makes the brand special about the DOCG, ensuring its staff (and final) critical oversight. And debts? asks someone from the audience. The brave mayor, at first unaware of the origin of the application, a timid attempt response, looking around nell'assise who had uttered those words horrendous. When he realizes that this is the result, a veil of wrath his face mask and a prey to spasms dictatorial / absolutist dismisses affair with sentences like: not even deserve an answer: who are you? qualified, are not obliged to give explanations, etc. . etc..
After this colorful action, Mazzucco took the floor that makes a digression of his leave, inform the President that he was not invited to the PDL cauldron of mid-August, and says he wrote a letter to Bertone and Bagnasco on the case "Boffo -Felt ", demanding the resignation of the director of events (certainly the Cardinals it will be very valuable as a good Christian he is, and maybe even have won the blessing of Sylvius, which is devoted), states that the management of multi Aprilia was a shame, but when his colleague Caiazzo (a PDL group different though) interprets his statement as to the illustrious Dr. justicialist friends, shoot from the bench and declares ultragarantista for the legal proceedings while maintaining costs and the administration!
We had no doubt, a executioner Mazzucco Caiazzo if only he could imagine. Finally, after having condemned the birth of the company, since it is contrary to principle to this type of society, instead to vote against, abstain.
vote: 16 YES, 1 NO (Di Mauro) and 1 abstention (Mazzucco). Approved the establishment of the company among the irrepressible bleating of the public.
the majority seems to have doubts about the protagonists of the collapse of Aprilia, so dear to the mayor, yet even this seems to dent the certainties of a few. Technical discussions were waiting for us to better understand the steps that will lead the company by the institution, rather than nothing, everything hidden in the corridors of power , before the public only pats on the back and congratulations sickly. It would be a great moment of popular participation on a particular topic sentito dalla collettività per le situazioni sociali coinvolte: con amarezza denunciamo ancora una volta uno scarso acume politico, un’incompetenza ormai sintomo distintivo della politica terracinese e la prostituzione intellettuale del popolo, in cambio di una promessa fatta dal peggiore dei marinai.
Ao, ma ancora ce stai a pensà, chist’ ‘tenn da magnà, ce serven’ i sord, j stipend’, che cazz ce frega della morale…
In effetti, non fa una piega!
Nel corso della serata si segnala anche l’approvazione all’unanimità della mozione dell’UDC per accelerare i lavori sulla strada del Lungolinea Pio VI, chiusa da tempo per un cedimento strutturale e la nascita del gruppo consiliare del PDL, formato da 13 consiglieri: Avelli, Cicerano, Pietricola D., Pietricola R., Golfieri, Masullo, Acanfora, Caiazzo, Palmacci, Fantasia, Bellezza, Fratarelli e Monti, capitanati da un impavido, Valerio Golfieri, reggitore di anime discordanti , non molto tempo fa confederate con alcuni dell’opposizione... ma si sa, il miraggio di una candidatura con Silvio rappresenta un’oasi di salvezza per le comparse della politica locale...
Terracina Rialzati